Download Analytical Lung Pathology by Professor Klaus Kayser M.D., Ph.D. (auth.) PDF

By Professor Klaus Kayser M.D., Ph.D. (auth.)
All ailments concerning the lung are provided in alphabetical order. each one is mentioned within the comparable method lower than the subheadings of definition, epidemiology, pathophysio- logy, medical analysis, radiology, gross and micro patho- logy, histomorphological descriptors, unique stains, corridor- mark of prognosis and differential diagnosis.
"An encyclopedic number of phrases facing illnesses and/or pathological stipulations of the respiration organs with the purpose to offer the reader quick information regarding the basic elements. This encyclopedic resource will be instructed not just to pathologists but in addition to clinicians and practitioners confronted with pulmonary diseases." (Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology)
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Albinism is not essential for diagnosis; some patients present only with disturbance of second stage platelet aggregation, granulomatous colitis, and lung involvement similar to that of idiopathic usual interstitial pneumonia. Patients' age ranges from 20-45 years. Prognosis: The prognosis of patients is fair. Radiology: Diffuse infiltrations of various intensity in both lungs. Pathology: Gross: Heavy, yellowish lungs with interstitial fibrosis. Histology: Preserved lung tissue with interstitial mononuclear infiltrations, various degrees of interstitial fibrosis, and dense foamy histiocytic infiltrates in the alveoli.
Descriptors: Lung parenchyma with preserved structure: • enlarged distant air spaces • atrophic interalveolar septula • dust (anthracotic pigment); • Pulmonary vessels with altered structure: • hyaline material (small arteries and veins); • Lung parenchyma with altered structure: • focal interstitial fibrosis • Special stains: Elastic stains, stains of reticular fibers, application of monoclonal antibodies against the various types of collagen, morphometry. Hallmark of Diagnosis: Diffuse emphysema with atrophic interalveolar septula, deposits of anthracotic pigment, hyaline scars.
The oval cells contain vacuolated cytoplasm and small, dark nuclei. The hyaline walls of the sporangia stain positively with PAS, Gomori's methenamine silver stain (GMS), Gridley's stains. ~ Descriptors: Lung parenchyma with altered structure: • necrosis • mixed inflammatory infiltrates • caseous epithelioid granulomas • algae (intragranulomatous, yeastlike colonies) • multinucleated giant cells • Special stains: PAS, GMS, Gridley's, direct immunofluorescence.