Download Cult and Koinon in Hellenistic Thessaly (Brill Studies in by Denver Graninger PDF

By Denver Graninger
Cult and Koinon in Hellenistic Thessaly examines the territorial growth of the Thessalian League ca. 196-27 BCE and the advance of the country faith of the League. person chapters hint the adoption of a standard Thessalian calendar through new contributors of the League, the institution of latest neighborhood gala's, the elaboration or reorganization of older cults, and League participation in a community of foreign gala's; cult may possibly both good enact possible choices to this political association, besides the fact that, and older spiritual traditions endured to be maintained either inside of new League territories and particularly at Delphi. the result's a clean portrait of the politics of cult at the Greek mainland within the later Hellenistic interval.
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Sample text
Many of the inscriptions issued by the League are honorary, very often for foreigners who are recognized for their benefactions or service to the League. Such evidence, revealing as it may be for the culture of euergetism in the later Hellenistic period, gives little sense about how the Thessalian League functioned. One inscription is distinctive, however, for the wealth of detail and unique insight which it provides. 104 Quotas and delivery schedules were imposed by the general of the League upon each tetrad, although it is clear from the text that individual cities within the tetrads were responsible for the costs associated with their transport.
Moreover, the centripetal pull of Delphi directed Thessalian interests into this region throughout history. As in the case of the Thessalian perioikoi, however, a politically dependent relationship on Thessaly did not completely subsume the cultural and political identity of these ethne. 47 I now consider the ethne of the Spercheios region severally: Ainis, Malis, Oitaia, Dolopia. 48 The border to the east with Malis likely fluctuated throughout antiquity. To the west and southwest Ainis met Aitolia.
55 Perhaps the most significant moment in their history came at the time of the Peloponnesian War, when the Trachinians, whom Thucydides describes as a subdivision of the Malians, 50 For discussion of the traditions, see Béquignon , pp. –; Sakelleriou . Coinage: Head , p. , head of Zeus on obverse, warrior with javelin or simply sheathed sword and javelin on reverse. , Hell. ; Diod. Sic. . Events of : Diod. Sic. . 52 Kip , pp. –; Stählin , pp. –; Kramolisch and Meyer .