Download Current Topics in Pathology: Ergebnisse der Pathology by Roland Bässler (auth.), H.-W. Altmann, K. Benirschke, A. PDF

By Roland Bässler (auth.), H.-W. Altmann, K. Benirschke, A. Bohle, K. M. Brinkhous, P. Cohrs, H. Cottier, M. Eder, P. Gedigk, W. Giese, Chr. Hedinger, S. Iijima, W. H. Kirsten, I. Klatzo, K. Lennert, H. Meessen, W. Sandritter, G. Seifert, H. C. Stoerk, H. U.
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The amounts produced in experimental galactopoesis obtained with combinations of hormones reached only 30 % of those of normallactation (BENSON, COWIE, FOLLEY and TINDAL, 1959). Recent studies of active placental compounds are of importance for mammoand lactogenesis, because substances with qualities similar to prolactin and STH may be obtained (AVERILL, RAY and LYONS, 1950; CANIVENC and MAYER, 1953; RAY, AVERILL, LYONS, and ]OHNSON, 1955). - HIGASHI (1962) had described two active glycoproteins of the placenta with a molecular weight of 80,000 and 45,000 and with prolactin-like effects on pigeon crops.
B Alkaline phosphatase (azodye method) in the base, especially in the myoepithelium of dilated and secreting alveoli. Treatment of a castrated rat with oestrogen and progesterone (1 : 1,000) for 10 days. Magnification 90 X 5-nucleotidase possesses only insignificant activity in the epithelial cells and rises only little under the influence of hormones. The same applies to sueeinodehydrogenase and glueose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase, the key enzyme for the pentose-phosphate cycle (GLüCK and McLEAN, 1954).
This indicates that there is a correlation between hormonal action, vascularization, and development of the gland, and that this correlation may be cancelled by hypophysectomy and ovarectomy. 4. Histochemistry of Connective Tissue During Hormone Action After puberty in man the mesenchymal portions of the mammary gland differentiate into loose intralobular connective tissue, called "mantle tissue" by BERKA (1911). This is particularly concerned with the hormonally induced changes of the glandular apparatus.