Download Distributed Systems, Principles And Paradigms, (Problem by ANDREW S. TANENBAUM, MAARTEN VAN STEEN PDF

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If the client takes a pessimistic view concerning the level at which its clock is synchronized with that of the server, it will attempt to obtain a new lease far before the current one expires. 22. Q: Consider a nonblocking primary-backup protocol used to guarantee sequential consistency in a distributed data store. Does such a data store always provide read-your-writes consistency? A: No. As soon as the updating process receives an acknowledgement that its update is being processed, it may disconnect from the data store and reconnect to another replica.
It can only look at message headers as it should know nothing about the actual invocation. Demultiplexing can be done on an object reference alone, but further demultiplexing may be needed by also looking at the method that is to be invoked. 7. Q: Does CORBA support the thread-per-object invocation policy that we explained in Chap. 3? A: Yes, although it can be done only by associating a single object per POA, which in turn should provide the single-threading policy. In other cases, the thread-per-object policy depends on what the underlying ORB provides.
Note that view changes take place as special multicast messages, which are required to be properly ordered as well. 14. Q: What are the permissable delivery orderings for the combination of FIFO and total-ordered multicasting in Fig. 7-14? A: There are six orderings possible: Order 1 m1 m2 m3 m4 Order 2 m1 m3 m2 m4 Order 3 m1 m3 m4 m2 Order 4 m3 m1 m2 m4 Order 5 m3 m1 m4 m2 Order 6 m3 m4 m1 m2 15. Q: Adapt the protocol for installing a next view Gi +1 in the case of virtual synchrony so that it can tolerate process failures.