Download Doomraga's Revenge (Merlin, Book 7) by T. A. Barron PDF

By T. A. Barron
Basil turns into Merlin's associate as they conflict the mysterious shadows that threaten the recent Avalon.
a depressing magic has been spreading throughout Avalon. at the start, the occasions appeared unrelated: a struggle in Fireroot among the dwarves and the fireplace dragons, blight in Stoneroot, and disputes through the geographical regions. yet as Merlin and Basil scour the nation-states, they start to gain that looming in the back of the starting to be chaos is a unmarried darkish threat—an enemy that they’ve by no means encountered. person who needs to be stopped earlier than all of Avalon is lost.
during this jaw-dropping sequel to the mega-hit Merlin’s Dragon, T. A. Barron sends Merlin, Rhia, and Basil, the best dragon ever, on a challenge throughout Avalon to root out this new enemy. yet sacrifices might be made, relationships can be confirmed, and useful lives can be lost.
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What did they — " Paks felt herself slipping down the wall; she could not seem to hold herself up. "Here, now — don't fall," said Stammel. The warning came too late. Paks lay curled on her side, heaving helplessly. "I'm - I'm sorry — " she gasped finally. "Lie still then. Let me look — " Stammel raised her tunic. Even in the flickering torchlight he could see the welts and dried blood on her thighs. Her tunic was ripped in several places. Stammel swore suddenly, words Paks had heard from her cousin.
Paks shook her head. "I — I don't know what it would be like. " "Well, then, we'll have to take a look. Maia will help me, and I think another swallow of numbwine won't hurt at all. " Kolya fetched the flask of numbwine and poured some into the mug Paks held. " Paks swallowed, almost choking on the heavy, sweet wine. In a few minutes she felt a soft wave of sleep roll up around her, and drifted away, unknowing. A few minutes later, Kolya left the infirmary, and almost fell over Stammel who was waiting at the door.
Well - " he looked embarrassed. "I do have a - sort of a a love potion. I got it from an old granny down the other side of Verella. " Kolya looked at him. " "It's - it's something my girl and I enjoy - we share it — " The captain shook his head. " "But it's harmless, sir, really. It's just like a bit of wine, only more so. " "Still, we'd better check it. It might not be as harmless as you think. " "Well, no, sir, I didn't. But it's a simple sort of thing — lots of the grannies sell it. I usually get it from one of the forest—folk tribes in Aarenis, but we were on the road here, and this little old lady asked did I want anything.