Download Epic and History (Ancient World) by David Konstan, Kurt A. Raaflaub PDF

By David Konstan, Kurt A. Raaflaub
With contributions from prime students, it is a particular cross-cultural comparability of historic epics throughout quite a lot of cultures and time sessions, which provides the most important insights into how heritage is taken care of in narrative poetry.
- The first booklet to achieve new insights into the subject of ‘epic and background’ via in-depth cross-cultural comparisons
- Covers epic traditions around the globe and throughout quite a lot of time periods
- Brings jointly major experts within the box, and is edited by way of across the world appeared scholars
- An vital reference for students and scholars drawn to historical past and literature throughout a large diversity of disciplines
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The assumption is that legendary characters from the past speak to future generations through writing. The reader was warned not to fall into past errors and was encouraged to compile his own written record for posterity so that future generations could be instructed and edified. ” (lines 63–4). In these lines, the author implies that Sargon’s fame is so well established that it does not need to be written down. One cannot emphasize too strongly the existence of oral saga. When the legends are divorced from history and only seen as married to certain social or political conditions, scholars tend to wrench the texts out of their ancient context as written examples of oral saga and leave them stranded in an intertextual environment.
These oral building blocks could be varied at will according to the needs of the moment, and modified to suit new purposes and places. In the Sargon texts, two such set topoi are the darkening of the sun and the conquest of Simurrum which appear in different order according to the manuscript. The former motif seems to have found its way into the Epic of Gilgamesh (George 2003: 20). On the other hand, those texts that begin with what clearly is a paraphrase of royal Sargonic inscriptions may be the result of oral recitation or a literate education.
The first group can be divided into two further subtypes: (1a) those where the historical records and literary compositions agree on the events and (1b) those where they disagree on the events. However, scholarly evaluation of the historical information provided by any of these compositions ranges from reliable to unreliable regardless of the existence of corroborative historical records. Furthermore, it must be emphasized that what is preserved of Sargonic royal inscriptions is statistically very unlikely to represent more than a fraction of the total corpus that was available in antiquity and that, consequently, any argument based on the silence of the sources is invalid.