Download Epic Interactions: Perspectives on Homer, Virgil, and the by M. J. Clarke, B. G. F. Currie, R. O. A. M. Lyne PDF

By M. J. Clarke, B. G. F. Currie, R. O. A. M. Lyne
This number of essays, written by means of former students, celebrates the profession of Jasper Griffin, one of many most desirable glossy students of classical epic. the quantity surveys the epic culture from the 8th century BC to the 19th century of our period. person chapters specialize in: Homer and the oral epic culture; Homer in his non secular context; Herodotus and Homer; Hellenistic epic; Virgil in his literary context; Virgil in his political-cultural context; the Augustan poets and the Aeneid; Statius' Thebaid; previous English and previous Irish epic; Renaissance epic: Tasso and Milton; and the Victorians. the purpose of the e-book is to situate writers of epic of their literary and cultural contexts--an company captured within the time period "interaction" within the name. The chapters singly provide insights into many of the foundational poems of the ecu epic culture and jointly take a daring, holistic examine that culture.
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M. L. West (2003a) 3 dates its creation to the 4th cent. bc. 111 The Aethiopis is, on the conventional dating, later than the Iliad and Odyssey. However, the Odyssey is clearly already familiar with (some of) the subject matter of the Aethiopis (Od. 113 The *Memnonis, then, is, like the Aethiopis, a lost early epic; but, unlike the Aethiopis, its existence is only hypothesized, not attested (I use an asterisk to signal this fact). 114 This conceptual distinctness of *Memnonis and Aethiopis is important: the (perhaps only oral) poem known to the Odyssey (and perhaps the Iliad) is taken to be the *Memnonis, while the poem known to Classical and later authors (Pindar, Virgil, and others) is taken to be the Aethiopis.
G. Dowden (1996) 56. Homer and the Early Epic Tradition 25 Table 3. *Memnonis (Aethiopis) and Iliad: I. Achilles in *Memnonis (Aethiopis) corresponds to Achilles in Iliad *Memnonis (Aethiopis) 1. Achilles receives a prophecy from Thetis about Memnon (Aethiopis Proclus §2) [and withdraws from battle]. 2. ] 3. Memnon kills Antilochus (Aethiopis Proclus §2). 4. Achilles kills Memnon (Aethiopis Proclus §2). 5. Paris and Apollo kill Achilles (Aethiopis Proclus §3). Iliad Achilles is enraged with Agamemnon and withdraws from battle (Il.
89 What, in Virgil, Oliver Lyne has called ‘signalling’: cf. Lyne (1987) 103 and (1989) 151. 90 Danek (1998) 380. 91 Cf. GriYn (1987a) 31. 92 Esp. ‘table of contents’ speeches: de Jong (2001) 15; cf. Macleod (1982) 28 n. 1. Cf. Easterling (1993): the gods in tragedy as äØäÜóŒÆºïØ, ‘play directors’. 93 Concerning item (4), in an earlier poem Odysseus’ recognition by Penelope would reasonably have been followed by a conspiracy to kill the suitors. In the Odyssey, there can be no conspiracy between the couple as there has been no recognition.