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By W. Hayduk (Eds.)
This quantity comprises numerical values and a severe research of solubility information for ethane in natural drinks, liquid combinations, aqueous and natural recommendations, and electrolytes, at either high and low pressures. for every released paper, anyone facts sheet includes the experimental solubility, an outline of the experimental equipment, the purity of the fabrics used, and the experimental errors the place on hand. for every solute/solvent process the solubility information are severely assessed and instructed solubility values are awarded
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J. J. Petr. Technol. Trans. AIME Pet. Div. 1950, 189, 1-6. Ethane — Ethene — W ater (High Pressure) 24 COMPONENTS: (1) Ethane; C 2H 6; [74-84-0] (2) Ethene; C 2H 4; [74-85-1] (3) Water; H 20; ORIGINAL MEASUREMENTS: Anthony, R. ; McKetta, J. J. J. Chem. Eng. Data 1967, 12, 21-28. 9 C . L . 0 310. 0 310. 1122 1. 0540 10 3^h20 2. 159 1. 58 38. 49 20. 6809 AUXILIARY INFORMATION METHOD/APPARATUS/PROCEDURE: SOURCE AND PURITY OF MATERIALS: Windowed equilibrium cell contained in air thermostat. Vapor re circulated by magnetic pump.
A linear plot shows no concentration dependence of the salt effect parameter and the slope is ksc^ . Recently some workers have fitted such plots that show curvature to a function log(aVa) = k° o J {1 + k ’ c j sca 2 sca 2 In a sense the first method, in which the salt effect parameter is given by a linear function of concentration, = a + is equivalent to log (α°/α) = (a + ho2 )c2 = &o2 + bo 2 however, the constants should be redetermined from the l o g ( a % ) data. 2 and 29 Ethane — Aqueous Electrolyte Solutions COMPONENTS: EVALUATOR: (1) Ethane; C2H 6 ; [74-84-0] H .
1 mol kg” 1 electrolyte solutions. Their k values a^e believed to be numerically ■* sms the same as k values for the dilute solutions, sea The salt effect parameters for the various solutions are summarized in the table shown on the next page. 1 mol kg 1 electrolyte. 1 mol dm“ 3 electrolyte are assumed not to differ significantly from the values above. HC1). 2. The values of ksca decrease (become more negative) as the temperature increases. Ammonium chloride and bromide salt-out ethane, but the tetraalkyl ammonium bromides salt-in ethane.