Download Faith and Objectivity: Fritz Buri and the Hermeneutical by C.D. Hardwick, Van A. Harvey PDF

By C.D. Hardwick, Van A. Harvey
In the decade, too many American theologians were preoc cupied with charting and examining in a superficial demeanour the stream ments of the latest stars within the Continental theological firmament. This preoccupation contributed a lot, regrettably, to that faddism that was once so attribute of yank theology within the Sixties, the interval imme diately following the passing of a iteration of theological giants like Barth, Bultmann, Tillich, Gogarten, and the Niebuhrs. There has seldom been a interval during which such a lot of promissory notes have been issued so care lessly onto the highbrow marketplace, notes that weren't, and maybe couldn't, were redeemed. Given this mood of the days, it's tough to account for the virtually overall forget of the paintings of Professor Fritz Burl of Basel, whose "theolo gy of life" is without doubt one of the best and bold contempo rary makes an attempt to interpret the myths and emblems of the Christian religion by way of an existentialist philosophy. no matter if one have been to use that the majority superficial, notwithstanding for plenty of it sounds as if decisive, criterion of "radicality," one may have anticipated his paintings to draw a few sustained awareness be reason Buri has continually posed an intensive option to many of the hotly debated problems with the days: the matter of demythologization, the suggest ing of theological language, the issues raised through old feedback, and the that means of the historic Jesus for religion, to say a few.
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20 liThe influence of Jaspers on Buri has been decisive and pervasive. He stands to Jaspers much as Bultmann stands to Heidegger. Jaspers will not, however, be discussed in any great detail below. , of the relation between philosophy and theology in Buri. But it is also not necessary. In the first place, as with Bultmann's appropriation of Heidegger, the influence of Jaspers on Buri is not a point by point correlation but an overall perspective sharing certain fundamental philosophical concepts, arguments, and points of view.
Its purpose is to highlight an interpretation of the kerygma incompatible with existentialist interpretation. He still holds to the view expressed by its negative force, and there is nothing in his later thought to contradict it. 80 As a positive characterization, however, it would be misleading since properly understood Buri still wants to interpret doctrines as having a fundamentally kerygmatic significance. All doctrines are kerygmatic because they H. H. Oliver in Distinctive Protestant and Catholic Themes Reconsidered, Robert W.
P. 107. , Karl Barth, Der Romerbriej (Miinchen: Chr. Kaiser Verlag, 1924, dritter Abdruck der neuen Bearbeitung). p. 484. tlBntE, p. 19. , p. 168. 6 THE GENESIS OF BURl'S THEOLOGY Buri insisted that the confidence which the eschatological vision incorporates cannot be articulated as a fully rational vision of reality. The dialectic of eschatology must be accomplished in every individual life in the face of an ultimate confidence in the mystery of creation; but precisely because creation is a mystery, this confidence can receive no rational grounding.