Download Ideas and Methods of Supersymmetry and Supergravity: a Walk by Sergio M. Kuzenko PDF

By Sergio M. Kuzenko
Rules and techniques of Supersymmetry and Supergravity: Or a stroll via Superspace presents a complete, unique, and self-contained account of 4 dimensional basic supersymmetry and supergravity. during the e-book, the authors domesticate their fabric intimately with calculations and entire discussions of the elemental principles and motivations. They strengthen the topic in its superfield formulations yet the place acceptable for representation, analogy, and comparability with traditional box idea, they use the part formula. The publication discusses many topics that, in the past, can basically be present in the examine literature. moreover, it offers a plethora of recent effects. Combining classical and quantum box concept with team concept, differential geometry, and algebra, the e-book starts off with a superior mathematical historical past that's utilized in the remainder of the ebook. the subsequent bankruptcy covers algebraic features of supersymmetry and the ideas of superspace and superfield. within the following chapters, the publication provides classical and quantum superfield conception and the superfield formula of supergravity. A synthesis of effects and techniques constructed within the booklet, the ultimate bankruptcy concludes with the speculation of potent motion in curved superspaces. After learning this booklet, readers may be prepared to pursue self sufficient learn in any region of supersymmetry and supergravity. will probably be an essential resource of reference for complicated graduate scholars, postdoctoral college, and researchers all in favour of quantum box thought, excessive power physics, gravity concept, mathematical physics, and utilized arithmetic.
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