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By David J. Bartholomew
This e-book penetrates the thicket of controversy, ideology and prejudice surrounding the size of intelligence to supply a transparent non-mathematical research of it. The trying out of intelligence has a protracted and debatable historical past and no matter if intelligence exists and will be measured nonetheless is still unresolved. the controversy approximately it has headquartered at the "nurture as opposed to nature" controversy and particularly on alleged racial modifications and the heritability of intelligence.
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3 The end of IQ? The parting of the ways We have outlined two approaches to measuring intelligence. The IQ route involves, essentially, computing an average test score in much the same way as we construct other indices. The other approach, using factor analysis, remains something of a mystery at this stage whose depths remain to be explored. It is now time to stand back and view the problem of measuring intelligence from first principles and then to form a judgement on the best way forward. Our conclusion will be that the emphasis on IQ in the past has been misplaced and that, in an ideal world, it would be abandoned.
The positive correlations, therefore, would arise from the utilisation of common processes and not from varying ability. Demonstrating that what is observed empirically admits of more than one explanation both curbs over-confidence in one’s theories and provides a powerful stimulus for further investigation. However, as we shall note later, Thomson’s idea does not account so readily for the pattern of differences in the correlations as does the ‘underlying’ variable idea. We have already noted the lack of interaction between the ‘IQ’ and ‘g’ schools of thought and such evidence as there is suggests that much of their work proceeded in a state of mutual ignorance.
13 Hierarchical factor analysis An apparent resolution of the conflict between Spearman and Thurstone was provided by what came to be called hierarchical factor analysis. This was done by treating the factors in exactly the same way as the original indicators. After all, if one can interpret the positive correlation between indicators as evidence for a common underlying factor, then one can treat a set of correlated factors in precisely the same way. Thus, if human performance on a varied set of test items 24 Measuring Intelligence could be described by a cluster of correlated abilities, then there is no reason why one should not analyse the correlations between those abilities in the same manner as the original variables.