Download Object-Oriented Philosophy: The Noumenon’s New Clothes by Peter Wolfendale PDF

By Peter Wolfendale
Relocating past the hype and the inflated claims made for 'Object-Oriented' suggestion, Peter Wolfendale considers its emergence within the mild of the intertwined legacies of twentieth-century analytic and Continental traditions. either a remarkably transparent explication of the tenets of OOP and an acute critique of the movement's ramifications for philosophy this present day, Object-Oriented Philosophy is an immense engagement with essentially the most primary tendencies in contemporary philosophy.
• evaluation : item orientated Ontology is the final bankruptcy within the interminable saga of the fight among realism and transcendentalism. It makes an attempt to undo the transcendental flip and resuscitate the precritical concept of truth within which people aren't topics yet one amongst many actants. What Peter Wolfendale does in his distinct and forceful research is what Kant did to Swedenborg: to dispel the mist of shiny (spiritualized) materiality. What Voltaire stated approximately god may be repeated approximately this ebook: if it did not exist, we'd need to invent it. Slavoj Zizek --Slavoj Zizek
• concerning the writer : Peter Wolfendale is an autonomous thinker dwelling within the North East of britain. He considers himself a heretical Platonist, an unorthodox Kantian, and a minimalist Hegelian, yet is both satisfied being defined as a rationalist. His paintings focuses quite often upon the intersection among the technique of metaphysics and the constitution of rationality, but in addition contains foundational subject matters within the philosophy of price, ethics, aesthetics, and social concept.
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1. The Lava that Dare not Speak its Name Before performing exploratory surgery on the beating heart of OOP, it is first necessary to present the customary compliments regarding the overall shape and style of its vascular architecture. Whatever else may be said about Harman’s presentation of OOP, it is certainly compelling. On the one hand, it attempts to reveal the inherent oddness of the world in which we live, depicting a reality in which everything is radically individual, cut off from everything else in almost every respect, connected only by fleeting glimmers of phenomenal appearance.
The two remaining reasons I persisted in writing this critique provide the best motivations for reading it: (a) that, though more difficult, a deeper exploration of OOP’s flaws yielded deeper theoretical insights that can be applied elsewhere; and (b) that, though seemingly idiosyncratic, a more synoptic analysis of OOP revealed that it condenses and exemplifies a number of important conceptual and sociological dynamics distinctive of contemporary anglophone Continental philosophy, giving us a unique opportunity to address the latter’s problems in microcosm.
However, the hyperbolic method is surprisingly difficult to apply to OOO itself, given both the diversity and tentativeness of the commitments of its principal practitioners (canonically: Graham Harman, Levi Bryant, Ian Bogost, and Tim Morton). There is most definitely a common rhetoric binding these figures together: an insistence upon ontological egalitarianism, a rehabilitation of the concept of substance, and a pervasive metaphorics of withdrawal. But a deeper examination of each of these themes raises serious questions regarding the content of the shared commitments they stand for.