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These represents first ever published consolidated checklists of these fungi from these states. References Ames A (1913) A consideration of structure in relation to genera of Polyporaceae. Ann Mycol 11:211–253 Aoshima K (1967) Synopsis of the genus Daedalea Pers. Fr Trans Mycol Soc Jpn 8:1–4 Bagchee K, Bakshi BK (1950) Some fungi as wound parasites of Indian trees. ) – I. ) – III. The root disease of Sal due to Polyporus shoreae Wakef. (Partridge Wood rot). ) – V. The heart rot of Sal caused by Trametes incerta (Currey) Cooke.
Hydnaceae, Cantharellaceae, Clavulinaceae, Gomphaceae, Clavariaceae, Pterulaceae, Sparassidaceae, Bondarzewiaceae, Hybogasteraceae, Hericeaceae and Auriscalpiaceae); Poriales with hymenium continuous, poroid basidia (fam. Bankeraceae, Thelephoraceae, Scutigeraceae, Laetiporaceae, Meruliaceae, Lachnocladiaceae, Poriaceae, Coniophoraceae, Stereaceae, Podoscyphaceae, Coriolaceae and Corticiaceae); Polyporales with hymenium discontinuous, structured into pollen chambers or channels with dimple, channels independent or united, tough, coriaceous or suberose (fam.
Fistulinaceae; and Polyporineae f. Polyporaceae. He included 54 genera in the Polyporaceae which was further divided into five subfamilies and ten tribes as follows: Porioideae with 8 resupinate genera: Tyromycetoideae with 7 genera; Fomitoideae: Piptoporae 2 genera, Ischnodermateae 3 genera, Fomiteae 2 genera; Phaeoleae 1 genus, Inonoteae 7 genera and Ganodermateae 1 genus; Polyporoideae with 2 genera; Corioloideae: Corioleae 12 genera, Oxyporeae 4 genera, Hirschioporeae 1 genus; and Daedaleae 4 genera.