Download Philo, Supplement II: Questions on Exodus by Philo Judaeus; Ralph Marcus (trans.) PDF

By Philo Judaeus; Ralph Marcus (trans.)
The thinker Philo used to be born approximately 20 BCE to a admired Jewish kin in Alexandria, the manager domestic of the Jewish Diaspora in addition to the executive heart of Hellenistic tradition; he was once educated in Greek in addition to Jewish studying. In trying to reconcile biblical teachings with Greek philosophy he constructed rules that had large impression on Christian and Jewish spiritual idea. The Loeb Classical Library version of the works of Philo is in ten volumes and supplementations, dispensed as follows. quantity I: construction; Interpretation of Genesis II and III. II: at the Cherubim; The Sacrifices of Abel and Cain; the more severe assaults the higher; The Posterity and Exile of Cain; at the Giants. III: The Unchangeableness of God; On Husbandry; Noah's paintings as a Planter; On Drunkenness; On Sobriety. IV: The Confusion of Tongues; The Migration of Abraham; The inheritor of Divine issues; at the initial reports. V: On Flight and discovering; switch of Names; On desires. VI: Abraham; Joseph; Moses. VII: The Decalogue; On detailed legislation Books I–III. VIII: On distinctive legislation publication IV; at the Virtues; Rewards and Punishments. IX: each stable guy Is unfastened; The Contemplative lifestyles; The Eternity of the realm; opposed to Flaccus; Apology for the Jews; On windfall. X: at the Embassy to Gaius; indexes. complement I: questions about Genesis. II: questions about Exodus; index to vitamins.
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Sample text
B c d e 12. ( E x . xii. 7) W h y does l i e command (them) to place some o f the blood upon the doorposts and upon the lintel of every house ? " C TCOV TrpOKOTTTOVTCOV. d dpeTTjV. " One would expect " nor do they remain completely immersed " or the like. The Arm. (marc/el renders dKioXvTos* aKoXaaTos and aKpcvrris. " F hvo LXX Kal Xrjpulfovrai drro rov alpLaros Kal drjoovoiv em TCOV araOfxcov Kal em TTJV
Lit. " 9 els hiKaioovvqv h Kal evodficiav Kal d£lav ooiOTrjTa. dp€Tas. * The meaning o f the last clause is uncertain. " Apparently Philo means that blood is in general a symbol o f kinship, cf. Be Virtutibus 79. * Arm. p*esxeki= TOV ndoxa. 4 4 4 4 K 1 m LXX Kal
Erd BLKTJS dpLVvovvrac Karaxprjoovrai Bvvaoreiais els iravtoXedpiav. 6va OTTOVBOXOV virorlQerai, Bid TrXeiovtov. It adds Karaxp^oriKCos Be Bvvdrovs r) lepeis r) 7Tpotf>r)ras rj dyiovs dvBpas <*>s Mcovoea. " 'IBov ydp, edrjKa o€ Oedv ^apcta)," eXexOrj irpds Mcovorjv. , rco dyadep dvBpl ^Xao