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By P Debye
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Let your audiences do the same by presenting your facts in a human context. It's also very easy to make false assumptions about the level of data appropriate for your audience. For example, in talks to upper management, speakers feel they can fill speeches with technical information, because the audience is at such a high level. In fact, by the time people get to upper management, the skills they wield are generalists' skills; they are no longer as knowledgeable of the technical details as the technicians below them.
See how closely what they say matches what you wrote. If it doesn't, you need to work harder on making the content support and evoke the purpose you have in mind. Without feedback, you can only assume your purpose was clear—you'll never know for sure. Focused, committed, invigorated—isn't that the kind of speaker you enjoy hearing? It is the kind you can become, and the first step is that firm grasp of purpose. Determining your purpose really is an easy step, and it makes everything that follows, including organization and selecting good supporting material, much easier.
Conclusion: (5 percent of your time) A. Summary. i. Famous last words. ii. Thank the audience. Don't Forget Transitions Transitions are so basic that many speakers overlook them and concentrate on structuring the outline. But transitions get you from one part of the outline to another; they are the secret to a professional's speech. Look at the sample outline and realize there should be transitions between each main point and subpoint. These devices are so important to organization—and to giving good presentations—that I've devoted all of Chapter 32 Chapter 5: Fault #2: Lack of Clear Organization and Leadership Chapter 5: Fault #2: Lack of Clear Organization and Leadership 33 11 to them.