Download Silverlock by John Myers Myers PDF

By John Myers Myers
John Myers Myers transports the reader to an international the place a shipwrecked American can sing songs with Robin Hood, banquet with Beowulf and experience the river in a raft stolen from Huck Finn - or be attacked through Don Quixote, challenged to a beheading contest and became a pig through Circe.
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He was smiling approbation, wearing a likeable look which took me by surprise. " he asked, slapping my metal pullover. " "No," I assured him. " he went on. " Golias had told the others that the clothes were new to me, but I didn't have to admit I didn't know anything about the weapons. I hefted the axe knowingly. " "It's in good hands," Brodir said, and turned away. While he strolled between the benches, quizzing others, my mind followed him warmly. He wasn't a bad fellow after all. He knew a good man when he saw one, and he was counting on me.
It was damp dawn with mist rising all around us. Nobody had much to say, but the word was that the enemy was expected. Chilled, sleepy, stiff, and hungry as I was, this seemed the least of many evils. " Skeggi slapped a horned helmet on his head and let it sit crooked. "Come on," he croaked. "We've got to find where they're dishing out breakfast. " Food restored us to purpose. It was still too early in the day to laugh, but we stopped bellyaching. Between mouthfuls we speculated on how soon action would begin, whether we would attack or defend the hill we were on, what the relative strength of the armies would be, and more of the same.
I knew that I wasn't going to be that man, and not just out of fear of him. Knowing that someone stood on either side of me, helping to guard me, gave me a confidence I would not otherwise have had. Of the three allied groups Brodir's formed the left wing. Our crew was directly behind him and a picked vanguard, of which Golias was one. As we lined up by rowing benches, the two stroke oarsmen were on my right. One of them locked shields with me on that side, while Skeggi did so on my left. There was one supporting rank and a reserve group following at a distance.