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By R. L. Hunter
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161-3) do not merely replay the epinician themes, most familiar from Pindar, of the immortality and divine grace conferred on the athletic victor by his 71 72 73 For the Argonautic voyage as a katabasis cf. below pp. 182-8. Cf. 157-8. 83-4) may be seen as a humorous reworking of the great noise of cosmic battles (cf. Hes. Theog. 678-83,858). Typhoeus: Bond on Eur. HF 1271-2; A. Loyen, 'Hercule et Typhee' in Melanges . . Alfred Ernout (Paris 1940) 237-45. Giants: Pind. 67; F. Vian, REG 65 (1952) 11 —15.
Idylls 11 and 13 form an obvious pair, both addressed to Nicias and both on the subject of eros; their respective central characters are Polyphemus the Cyclops and Heracles. So too Apollonius presents first his Polyphemus and then Heracles reacting to the loss of a beloved boy; both Socrates of Argos (FGrHist 310 F 18) and Euphorion (fr. 76 Powell) in fact made the Argonaut Polyphemus a son of Poseidon. g. 1193 ~ Od. 321-4), cf. 149-50. 4O Modes of heroism 'wild animal5 (i. 1243-9) and then worries that Hylas may have fallen prey to wild animals suggests that Hylas is 'safer' with the nymph than with Polyphemus and Heracles.
Hylas 39 older man in such a relationship acted under the sign of eros was universally assumed in classical antiquity (however variously that sign was interpreted). Moreover, Heracles' demand for young boys as hostages for the return of Hylas shows clearly how the latter's disappearance 'reverses' a pattern of transitional homoerotic rape familiar from the mythology of a number of Greek states and attested for the historical period in Crete;116 Hylas is captured by a female, rather than a male, admirer.