Download The Collector's Guide to Fossil Sharks and Rays from the by Bruce J. Welton PDF

By Bruce J. Welton
Ebook via Bruce J. Welton, Roger F. Farish
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Scale line = l cm. The Collecrork Guide to Fossil Sharks andRays from the Cretaceous of Texas 29 Shark and Ray Hard Parts Figure 23. Cephalic spines of hybodontiform sharks. A) Lissodus selachos, Lance Formation, late Cretaceous, Wyoming; lateral view (after Estes 1964); B) Hyhndus hufleri, lateral views of spine, Butler Farm local fauna, middle Paluxy Formation, Wise County (after Thurmond 1971); C-D) Lissodus cephalic spine, posterior andlateral views, Wadhurst Clay. Brede, Hastings, Sussex, England (after Patterson 1966).
The first page always follows a standardized format. The specific pieces of information given for this format are explained below. At the top right corner of each page are the Genus and Species of the shark or ray. The Order and Family to which the species belongs is in the upper left corner. Immediately below and between the parallel lines are three additional pieces of information: on the left is the Chronologic Range of the species in Texas; in the center is Occurrence, a qualitative statement of tooth abundance (Rare, Common or Abundant); and on the right is the Maximum Size of the oral or rostral tooth (in millimeters) observed, so far, in Texas.
Cunrenfri; vmebral calclficslions, U)Squalrcorar sp.. l a n ; l H a . i uU : l \ g e l hark S . I Diverse calcific3tinn patnemc. I) ~"itarfish Rhinobarox granularus. Figures A,B,E-J are modified from Ridewood (l921). Scale line = 5 mm. 32 The Collector's Guide to Fossil Sharks and Rays,from the Cretaceous of Texas Vertebrae Figure 26. Fossil shark vertebrae. A) associated vertebrae of an unidentified cretoxyrhinid from the lower Eagle Ford Gmup (Cenomanian), Dallas County, Al) side view. A2) anterior or posterior view: B) transverse section of Squalicorar sp.