Download The First Book of Lost Swords: Woundhealer's Story by Fred Saberhagen PDF

By Fred Saberhagen
Prince Mark of Tasavalta embarks on a dangerous trip to discover the Sword Woundhealer to healing his son of a terminal disease...but an evil wizard has different plans.
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But he didn't know yet exactly what he was going to do. Two days ago, coming out of the cave with the other children, all of them shaken and unnerved, he had got a close look at some of the bandits, who of course by that time were already dead. Neither Zoltan nor any other Tasavaltan had been able to recognize any of them. At the time, looking at the corpses, about all Zoltan had been able to think of was that men like that would never have had a beautiful young girl traveling with them. Unless, of course, she were their prisoner.
There was a brief silence around the table. Then Jord spoke up, as a grieving grandfather. " This was not a new suggestion either; the only problem with it was that for the past eight years no one in Tasavalta had known where the Sword Woundhealer might be found. Mark had paused respectfully to hear both of these remarks yet once more. Now he continued. " The Chief Physician, frowning slightly, looked across the table at the Prince. She said: "The first of those would be-as Jord has reminded us-the Sword Woundhealer.
There was much about that attempt that the Prince still found mysterious. Naturally investigations on both the military and the magical level had been set in motion last night-as soon as the fighting stopped-and were going forward. Even now Mark could see a winged messenger coming from inland, perhaps bearing news of some results. There, halfway between the highest tower of the Palace and the crest of the mountains, were a pair of small, fine wings beating swiftly. He could hope that the courier was bringing word of some success by the searching cavalry.