Download The Isotopic Composition of the Element Chlorine in the by Harkins W.D., Stone S.B. PDF

By Harkins W.D., Stone S.B.
Read or Download The Isotopic Composition of the Element Chlorine in the Meteorites The Atomic Weight of Meteoric and Terrestrial Chlorine PDF
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DIAGNOSIS An lrloceras of the sar~tieri(Fontanncs) group with a more compressed, involutc shcll having a at~mcwhatdil'fcrcnt and coarser ornamentation than the type species of the group. B-793a. HORIZON Second horimn, Sembar Formation (Kimmeridgian). DESCRIPTION Thc hololypc is a largc conch with a part of the body chamber preserved. The paratype is a phragmocone at 9 6 mm diameter. The whorls are evolute with a compressed oval whorl section. The u~nbilicusis fairly wide and the flanks are gently archcd.
Thc Lashcla form is. however. more evolutc and has large clavi. 0 mm diameter (501, (38). (15). cor~chain hcing more evolutc and less inflated. 7: ~,rrdothrr<~; can he distinguished from 7: (7:)junrrrri sp. nov. in hcing more evolute. In 7: ( T )jurrrrrri lnteral tuberculation is wcak and the venter has bifurcating weak I-ihs originating from lateral tubercles on the phra-moconc. Barn: Hills. and Drahhcr Dhoro. Windar Nai. ) cf. T. 1. 1927-28 1959 Krrnn~elliccrrrsgil>horurn Spath: 140. lOa-c. ~ gil~bosenrSpath: Collignon.
Lashela. 4, Fig. l/ocrrus rr~udir~rranercn~ Neumayr:340. 17. -5. v rr~e~lilirrrrnrrerrrr~ (Ncumayr): Spatli:5S. 5. fi:. l 1927 H. nrcdirer-rnrrrrm (Ncumayr); Sarti:4X6 (see for syn<~nylny l. 1984 Sccund horizon. Semhar Formation (Kimmeridgii~nl MATERIAL The species iz represenrcd hy n largc phri~gn~oconc wliicli at llrc n(~erlur-:~l end HORIZON suggeststhc heginingofthe hod! chnmherwith {heprcscnce o l ; flared ~ h i d lollowing thc lilslcr~~isrricti~~n. There are 8 constrictions at 166 mm dinmeter.