Download The Madness of Epic: Reading Insanity from Homer to Statius by Debra Hershkowitz PDF

By Debra Hershkowitz
Insanity beneficial properties in lots of historic epics: not just do characters pass mad, yet insanity usually performs a tremendous thematic position. This publication examines the illustration and poetic functionality of insanity in epic poetry (including the paintings of Homer, Virgil, and Ovid), addresses the trouble of defining insanity, and discusses how each one epic explores the subject in a different approach.
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Aen. Vergil, Aeneid AR Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica BC Lucan, Bellum Ciuile Il. Homer, Iliad Met. Ovid, Metamorphoses Od. Homer, Odyssey Pun. Silius Italicus, Punica Theb. Statius, Thebaid VF Valerius Flaccus, Argonautica Note: I have used the Oxford Classical Texts for Homer, Apollonius Rhodius, and Vergil; the Teubner Texts for Ovid, Valerius Flaccus (ed. -W. Ehlers), Statius, and Silius Italicus; and A. E. Housman's edition of Lucan ( 1927). Abbreviations for journals and periodicals are mostly those used in L'Année philologique.
Literature and mental illness -- Greece. 4. Literature and mental illness-Rome. 5. Homer -- Characters -- Mentally ill. 6. Mental illness in literature. 7. Mentally ill in literature. I. title. II. Series. 09-dC21 97-44265 ISBN 0-19-815245-0 1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2 Typeset by Hope Services (Abingdon) Ltd. ] -vi- PREFACE Mad call I it; for to define true Madnesse, What is't, but to be nothing else but mad. ( Shakespeare, Hamlet, 11. ii. 98-9) When Vergil's Trojan women try to set fire to the ships, Ascanius desperately asks, quis furor iste nouus?
Szasz ( 1987), 62-4 and passim. g. Freud ( 1911) with Storr ( 1989), 59-64 ; and cf. Sass ( 1992), 24-67 ; Lacan ( 1977) ; see also Lacan ( 1977), 179-225, with Benvenuto and Kennedy ( 1986), 142-61; and cf. Samuels ( 1993), 27-43 ; cf. g. Laing ( 1965) ; Sass ( 1992) ; and see Rosenberg ( 1992), 7-15, for a survey of other psychological approaches. g. O'Brien-Moore ( 1924), 20-36 ; Simon ( 1978), 215-68 ; Pigeaud ( 1981), 70-138 ; Penso ( 1984), 351-5 ; Gill ( 1985) ; Pigeaud ( 1987); Temkin ( 1991), 10.