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By Hugo Bekker
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34 THE N I B E L U N G E N L I E D : A L I T E R A R Y A N A L Y S I S with the battle between the Burgundians and the Amelungs has nineteen mentions of the hand. It is quite natural, then, that most often the hand is said to carry a sword, to pick up or raise a shield, or to perform some other act related to battle. And it is obvious, in relation to the Kampfwut motif, that there is nothing "reflective" about such hands. On the contrary, they are active without the restraining influence and guidance of reason.
His armor was streaming with bloodf and he carried a strong weapon naked in his hand. Dankwart shouted loudly to the warrior, "you have been sitting all too long, brother Hagen, to you and to God in heaven I cry out our calamity: the knights and squires lie dead in their lodgings" HUNS AND B U R G U N D I A N S 31 A similar message is brought to Dietrich by Hildebrand, to the effect that not only Riideger and his men, but also all the Amelungs are dead: 2318 Do sprach meister Hildebrant: "Wer sol zuo iu gen?
477, 1018, 1205, 1511, 1542). An occasional assumption that someone approaches as a friend turns out to be naive (cf. ). The ever present awareness of peril is also Indicated by those strophes that indicate whether travelers reach their destination unmolested (1302) or are confronted by enemies (cf, the twenty-sixth Aventiure). ). So, too, there is fear in those remaining in Bechlaren. This anguish is made manifest by the women opening the windows to wave goodbye to their men. Now that conversation has become impossible, these women wish to continue visual communication.