Download The Origins of Beowulf: From Vergil to Wiglaf by Richard North PDF

By Richard North
Автор предполагает, что староанглийский эпос «Беовульф» был составлен зимой 826-7 г., как реквием Беорнвульфу, королю Мерсии от имени Виглафа, элдормена, следовавшего за ним. Местом составления автор полагает церковь Breedon at the Hill в Лестершире, а поэтом называет аббата Еанмунда. Также, как точное определение места и времени составления поэмы, Ричард Норт указывает со всей определенностью на влияние норвежского эпоса, а также Вергилия. Норвежские аналоги анализируются, чтобы выделить места в «Беовульфе», которые поэт изменил в источниках героического эпоса, в то время как три эпизода поэмы показаны, как переделанные места «Энеиды». В одной из глав автор предполагает, что латинские источники поэмы могли бы соответствовать тем, что известны как утерянная ныне «библиотека Бридона». В другой же главе автор стремится уточнить мифологию в Беовульфе, оспаривая, что Бридон оказал гостеприимство при встрече с викингами в 809 г.Образцы сканов:
List of Figures xiv
Abbreviations xv
1. advent: Beowulf and Wiglaf 1
2. Dynastic Innovation in Beowulf 36
3. Vergil and the Monastery in Beowulf 66
4. Ingeld’s Rival: Beowulf and Aeneas 100
5. ‘Quid Hinieldus?’ Bishop Unwona and acquaintances 132
6. Beowulf and the Library at Breedon at the Hill 157
7. The King’s Soul: Danish Mythology in Beowulf 194
8. ‘Thryth’ and the Reign of Offa 225
9. Hygelac and Beowulf: Cenwulf and Beornwulf 254
10. King Wiglaf and Eanmundes laf 297
Bibliography 333
Index 347
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These developments belie the fact that the Norse Skjo˛ldung-analogues contain enough detail for a plausible outline of the Beowulf-poet’s ‘Danish’ material to be drawn on the basis of whatever narrative they have in common. Unravelling their relationships is complex, but it is still obvious that these analogues descend from one tradition. Perhaps, as was once accepted without challenge, this is what we could call ‘North Sea Germanic’, a body of legends that came to England in the Age of Migrations; perhaps, as many now believe, these legends reached the poet directly from Danes of the Viking Age.
890, speaks of the monasteries all burned, before he enlarges on the decay of monastic learning that had set in earlier. 125 Consequently no books survive from middle, eastern, or northern England in OVa’s time through which his reign (757–96) will ever be understood to the same degree as Charlemagne’s. In the light of these upheavals, Beowulf would have to be read as anti-clerical if it was written near Mercia in the Viking Age. Today, notwithstanding, Beowulf ’s tales of Scandinavia are thought to show an acquaintance with Danes living in England; suggested dates bring the poem into the tenth century.
I. 43 What Milton does in each case is to recast an episode from the Aeneid. It may be presumed that Vergil in his own day did likewise, for many scenes which Milton found in the Aeneid themselves appear to be borrowed from the Iliad or Odyssey. 44 Why Vergil should borrow in this way from ‘Homer’, or Milton from Vergil, among many others, is best explained in terms of the opportunities which each poet found in the work of his great predecessor. 45 This is particularly a light in which to see the poet of Beowulf.