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By John S. Chen

This new ebook tells the tale of the increase and fall of Fu Ren collage (1925-1952) and offers an research of a key Catholic larger schooling establishment in China.

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56 My own research efforts have proved this to be true. There are not many files available in Beijing where I have researched two archives. I am more convinced that it is not that scholars did not want to write on the subject of the Catholic higher education, but that they were unable to do so. The summary of the background of political entanglements of the university serves the purpose of putting readers in the frame of mind that the environment in China was terrible when Fu Ren was established and developed.

There are not many files available in Beijing where I have researched two archives. I am more convinced that it is not that scholars did not want to write on the subject of the Catholic higher education, but that they were unable to do so. The summary of the background of political entanglements of the university serves the purpose of putting readers in the frame of mind that the environment in China was terrible when Fu Ren was established and developed. In the midst of all the troubles, Fu Ren developed and became one of the best universities in China.

First of all, he cuts short the history of the university during the Benedictine period by two years, whether intentionally or not. He has not treated the first two years of Fu Ren University from 1925 to 1927 as part of its history. Though Fu Ren University was not yet registered with the government, it was the continual part of the university run by the Benedictine Fathers. From a developmental point of view, this does not do justice to the university, nor to the American Cassinese Congregation of Benedictines.

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