Download The Thief's Gamble (The First Tale of Einarinn) by Juliet E. McKenna PDF

By Juliet E. McKenna
The secrets and techniques of the Shadow-MenMagic? it really is for the wealthy, the powerful...the Archmage and his elite wizards and cloud-masters. Livak isn't really between them. She haunts the again taverns of the world, cautious to seem neither wealthy nor negative, neither tall nor brief . . . neither guy nor girl. Obscurity is her safeguard, thievery her livelihood, and playing her weak point. lamentably, a few bets are not easy to withstand. really once they supply an opportunity to board a boat for Hadrumal, the fabled urban of the Archmage. So Livak follows a minor wizard, Shiv, in an try and flip a rune or , by no means dreaming that the stolen tankard she desires to promote comprises the secrets and techniques of an historical magic way more robust, and infinitely darker, than any mortal mage's spells.
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This wasn't thieving for profit, or revenge, like taking the tankard. It wasn't even stealing out of necessity from some cream-fed cat who could afford the toll. The old boy lived in his mind more than his body, and I wondered what vivid dreams of a distant age had meant to him in his straitened life as his body and senses failed with age. ' I scolded myself. ' I'd tell Geris to ask some sympathetic mentor from the University down here to take care of the old boy; he did not belong in that hovel.
We were not far short of the Eyhorne border when Darni led us off down a side road. We crested a rise to see a small knot of buildings beside a tree-fringed lake. The squat bulbous chimneys of kilns rose above the roofs of workshops and trailed plumes of dirty smoke into the blue sky. ' A heavily built man in clay-stained shirt and breeches emerged from a low shed and waved to us. He turned and yelled across the water to a lad fishing from a low bough. 'Seyn, come here! My son will see to your horses,' he explained.
I shook my head. ' Darni looked angry. ' 'Not if you want this piece as badly as I think you do. Even with only a lesser moon there'll be people about until it sets at least, even in a small place like Drede. It's a street house, no yard, built up against the ones either side? That's not easy. ' That earned Geris a sour look from Darni. 'I'll go in just before moonset. You lot should go right through the town and put up at the first inn on the Eyhorne road. ' 'I think—' Shiv cut Darni off short.