Download A History of Psychology in Metascientific Perspective by K. B. Madsen PDF

By K. B. Madsen
Fields of curiosity are mixed during this quantity: the historical past of technological know-how and the speculation, or philosophy, of technological know-how (metascience). the result's a heritage of psychology with emphasis put upon a metascientific research of the paintings of fourteen psychologists from quite a few periods.Each research is determined in old context; a interval or college is mentioned in every one bankruptcy, including a metascientific research of a few significant works from the respective interval or tuition. the writer employs a metascientific descriptive process or `systematology' built in the course of greater than 30 years of labor on comparative, metascientific experiences of approximately 50 mental theories. the result of these experiences were released in prior works. those analyses also are used the following for verifying T.S. Kuhn's much-debated conception concerning the `revolutionary' improvement of sciences. the writer revises Kuhn's concept and indicates that it may be utilized to the historical past of psychology. hence, in a Kuhnian feel, psychology will be acknowledged to have had `normal sessions' and `periods of concern' resulting in institution formation.
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Example text
6. The three classifications of hypothetical terms are important instruments for describing and comparing psychological theories; this will be undertaken in subsequent chapters. We shall now return to the hypotheses - the propositions into which hypothetical terms enter as an important element. The evolution of science 47 Fig. 6. The classification diagram of hypothetical variables. The diagram is used to illuminate comparisons of hypothetical variables obtainedfrom various theories (in this case Hull's and Atkinson's theories).
3) The meta-stratum consists of statements, or meta-theses, which, linguistically speaking, are somewhat mixed. g. man); they resemble hypotheses and thus make use of transempirical-descriptivelanguage. But whereas philosophical theses are not formulated sufficiently precisely that they may be tested empirically, scientific hypotheses are verifiable - or ought to be, according to many modem philosophers of science. The evolution of science 27 Apart from philosophical theses about the world, the meta-stratum also contains some epistemological,metatheoretical, and methodological statements about science.
Finally, it should be mentioned that public data language may be divided into a 'molar' behavioural language, and a Snolecular'physiological language. The latter is used, for example, in connection with physiological measurements such as electroencephalography (EEG). In principle a corresponding subdivision of private, phenomenological language into a molar and a molecularphenomenalist data language could also be undertaken, and has in fact been at tempted by a single school (the Gestalt psychologists).