Download Algebraic Geometry: Proceedings of the Third Midwest by D. Burns (auth.), I. Dolgachev (eds.) PDF

By D. Burns (auth.), I. Dolgachev (eds.)
Read or Download Algebraic Geometry: Proceedings of the Third Midwest Algebraic Geometry Conference held at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, November 14–15, 1981 PDF
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Additional info for Algebraic Geometry: Proceedings of the Third Midwest Algebraic Geometry Conference held at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, November 14–15, 1981
Example text
Pisa, 8(1981), 405-439. M. 42, Springer Verlag (1977). : Vorlesungen uber Algebralschen Geometrie, Teubner, Leipzig (1921). Ann. 260, (1982) 317-350. : Untersuchungen ~ber Thetafunktionen, Teubner, Leipzig (1895) A CONSTRUCTION OF SPECIAL SPACE CURVES D. Gieseker* University of California Los Angeles, California 90024 §l. zero. We will work over a fixed algebraically closed field of characteristic A curve plane. i. If smooth curves of ~enus For r = 3, be positive integers, and let (r - 1) g, ~ , d' ~ (r + 3) + g' and de~ree d' r > 3 be an integer.
Be the family 56 Now let on C C be a curve of genus and let Speck. ~ : C -~S g and let be the family with We label these sections Pij with Let L k~ be a line bundle of degree sections derived for 1 < i < k and ~ : C 1 S j S ~. th l Ci projection of derived from e T, T S' . to S'. ,Q~ we can form a stable curve b y identifying and a map Pij (t) C x T ~ to Q''(Ijt)l so that C i = T ×vi C'. ,Qi~. ~t We denote Now given with components to form a node. pl (t) ~ ~t C and There is a family and the map C X It] -~gt is the natural one.
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