Download Ancient Indian Cosmogony: Essays Selected and Introduced by by Franciscus Bernardus Jacobus Kuiper PDF

By Franciscus Bernardus Jacobus Kuiper
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Ad PB. 13 bradhnasya] dditgasya V i s f ~ u rcpasya, Mahidhara (c. ) ad VS. , Whitney, J A O S 3 (1853), p. 325, A. Weber, Zwei vedische Texte uber Omina und Portenta ), p. 338, A. IZuhn, Die Herabkunft des Fevers und des Gattertranks (1859), p. , p. Moor, The Hindu Pantheon (1810,1864,1897),p. 13 (sun, earth, water, space), Laseen, Ind. Altertumsk. 12(1867), p. 919, Max Muller, Hymns to the Maruts or Stormgods (1869), p. 116 f . (= SBE. 32, p. ), Eggeling, SBE. 12 (1882), p. 2 ("? the all pervading Sun"), 26 (1895), p.
Llicll h~ himself considers to be of centrnl importance. ancl although in some details his exposition is, quite understandably, open to criticism, it must be emphasized at once that the importance of the fresh insights gained and of the new problems stated far outweigh the critical comments that might be made. I n many respects, indeed, the later have to start from the new findings this book offers. The predominant impression that remains is that Bosch has not only thrown fresh light on many aspects of Indian culture but has led the reader to tlfle very heart of the Old Inclian conception of life and the woi-Id.
P-t~fo give the impression of being of foreign origin raises problems in this connection which can only be hinted at here. '*It has been remarked ahose that the conception of the Vedic primordial hill cannot be derived from the lotus root (Bosch, p. 96). 45 Cornpare with this the Jamnest. p ~ i u i i g u t ~ . Bruhm. l. Die F1i111111elsloye im Veda zoidin Au'estu, p. ). 47 T h e m;ilrkZof the Iutlr-a-festival (Bosch, p. 153). I n Bosch's view the relation is, of course, the other way round (p. 96).