Download Avro Manchester by Chaz Bowyer PDF

By Chaz Bowyer
;Avro Manchester [Aircraft Profile 260] КНИГИ ;ВОЕННАЯ ИСТОРИЯ Название: Avro Manchester Автор: Chaz BowyerСерия: plane Profile 260 Издательство: Profile guides Ltd Год издания: 1974 Страниц:25 Формат: PDF в rarЯзык: английский Размер: 15.29 Мб Для сайта: Мир книгСредний бомбардировщик Avro Manchester, созданный в 1939 году, не обладал выдающимися достоинствами, и бысто уступил место более удачным машинам zero
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Sample text
If the throttle grip freeplay must be adjusted, it can be adjusted at either end o f the accelerator cable. but only at the lower end of the decelerator cable. The upper adjuster at the throttle grip is used to make fine adjustments to the accelerator cable; throttle grip freepray is usually adjusted here. The lower adjusters at the carburetors are only used to make major adjustments to the cables. Both cables can be adjusted at the carburetors, but the accelerator cable is the one that is adjusted ·to achieve correct throttle grip freeplay; the decelerator cable is adjusted only to compensate for the amount of freeplay that's added or subtracted from the accelerator cable.
Check the throttle cables for cracks or kinks in the housings and make sure the inner cables are clean and well-lUbricated. 2 Start the engine and warm it up. 11 Verify that the choke lever at the handlebar switch operates smoothly; if it doesn't, lubricate the choke cable locknut. then turn the accelerator cable adjuster nut to bring freeplay at the throttle grip within the range listed in this Chapter's Specifications. Once freeplay is correct, tighten the accelerator cable adjuster locknut. 7 Make sure the throM1e grip is now in the fully-closed position.
Choke cable adjustment ............... ,.......................................... .. Clutch lever freeplay (cable-actuated clutch) ............................. .. , Rear . Up 10 90 kg [198ID 81""""""""""""",,, ""'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Above 90 kg (198 2,25 6ars (33 psi) 2,80 Bars (41 psi) Torque specifications Engine 011 drain plug ,,, ... n·lbs) Filler cap",. Drain plug .. Spark plugs" Steering head bearing adjustment nut 1985 and 1988 19a7 on """" Water pump drain plug ...