Download Beyond Great Powers and Hegemons: Why Secondary States by Kristen P. Williams, Steven E. Lobell, Neal G. Jesse PDF

By Kristen P. Williams, Steven E. Lobell, Neal G. Jesse
Through the research of either ancient and modern instances that characteristic international and nearby hegemons in Europe, Latin the USA, the center East, Africa, Asia, and South Asia, and that tackle more than a few curiosity areas—from political, to financial and military—the publication unearths the household and foreign components that account for the motivations and activities of weaker states.
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16 The evolving relationship between the hegemon and its followers would be put to the test with the reform movement that emerged in Czechoslovakia in 1968. ”17 THE PRAGUE SPRING AND THE INVASION OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA At the outset of 1968, Novotny, the first secretary of the Slovak Communist Party, was ousted from his position at a plenary session of the Czechoslovak Communist Party’s Central Committee and replaced by Dubcek. Accord- ROMANIA’S RESISTANCE TO THE USSRâ•…37 ing to David W. Paul, it was obvious then why he was removed: “Novotny was a living symbol of obsolete dogmatism in a restless society.
16 The evolving relationship between the hegemon and its followers would be put to the test with the reform movement that emerged in Czechoslovakia in 1968. ”17 THE PRAGUE SPRING AND THE INVASION OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA At the outset of 1968, Novotny, the first secretary of the Slovak Communist Party, was ousted from his position at a plenary session of the Czechoslovak Communist Party’s Central Committee and replaced by Dubcek. Accord- ROMANIA’S RESISTANCE TO THE USSRâ•…37 ing to David W. Paul, it was obvious then why he was removed: “Novotny was a living symbol of obsolete dogmatism in a restless society.
49 Yet, in the months prior to the invasion, at first Ceausescu did not comment on events in Czechoslovakia. He reiterated his position on equality, noninterference, and sovereignty. His first public statement in support of the Czechoslovak party occurred in mid-July: “The Romanian Communist Party does not share the view of those who are alarmed over what is happening in Czechoslovakia and who consider that there has to be an intervention. . ”50 The allies then appeared to move away from their ultimatum to Czechoslovakia issued earlier in Warsaw (which justified the reasons for a possible invasion).