Download Cambridge University Transactions During the Puritan by James Heywood (editor), Thomas Wright (editor) PDF

By James Heywood (editor), Thomas Wright (editor)
First released in 1854, this can be the second one of a two-volume choice of ancient resources in relation to the collage of Cambridge in the course of the non secular upheavals from the Elizabethan interval to the recovery. This quantity covers the interval 1590-1661, and files the long-running debate among the Puritans within the collage Senate and their extra liberal rivals. It additionally finds different parts of shock which nonetheless resonate this present day, together with smoking and the remedy of 'vagrants'. Letters and diary entries supply extra insights into much less contentious elements of 'the manners and goals of the collage' on the time. The ebook might be of curiosity to historians of the 17th century and its turbulent non secular currents, the English Civil conflict and its aftermath, and to historians of schooling.
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Sample text
From MS. Lansd. no. 62, art. ] Honoratissimo domino, domino de Burleie, summo totius Angliae thesaurario, academise Cantabrigiensis cancellario amantissimo. Vix dum ob recens acceptum beneficium honori tuo gratias egimus, cum ecce novum a te subsidium postulamus : adeo hsec setas non solum litteratis sed ipsi etiam literarum domicilio infesta est, feraxque et invidiae et injuriarum. Non fugit prudentiam tuam (honoratissime Burleiensis) jam olim veterem fuisse nobis cum Londinensibus de jure nostro ad imprimendum contentionem.
UMPHRY TYNDALL. J o . DU PORT. ] 30 STATE OF RELIGION. [1592 THE HEADS TO LORD BURGHLEY. [From MS. Lansd. no. 69, art. ] To the right honorable the lord Burghley, lord high treasurer of England, of her majesties most honorable pryvy counsaill, and chauncellour of the Universitie of Cambridge. W H E N we consider (right honorable) the great and manifould blessinges God hathe bestowed and so longe contynued upon this our church and comen wealth under her majesties most happy government (wherof your honor, through your most wise counsaill and contynuall great care and travaile, hath ben a speciall instrument), as wee thanke and blesse the name of God for his singuler mercy es, do pray for the contynuance of theis happy daies, and by our prechings in our severall callinges and places do (according to our duties) move and stirr upp others to do the same; so ar wee bould (presuming uppon your honorable and Christian acceptacion of this our humble dutye) first to gratulate to your honor your owne particular great and happy blessinges, wherwith the Lord hathe many waies speciallie honored and adorned you above others, and namely in still contynuing your daies and lief to the good and comfort of this churche, though great personages (as wee see) one after another, lyke by course of nature to have outlyved, being cutt of by deathe, your honor, in a manner alone emongest the auncyent counsaillers, by Gods speciall providence and goodnes being yet preserved.
541 Royal instructions, that all the directions and orders of James I. and Charles I. be fully observed, especially those that relate to obedience to superiors, and to the regulations for lecturing or preaching in the Cambridge churches; and that all licenses of University preachers granted since the year 1645 be called in by the vice-chancellor, and the persons licensed be put again to the vote, to be approved by the vote of the present University, or, if rejected, that others may be chosen in their places 545 Submission of the mayor for releasing the vice-chancellor's prisoners .