Download Ciba Foundation Symposium - Hypertension: Humoral and by Wolstenholme and Etherington Lewis PDF

By Wolstenholme and Etherington Lewis
Chapter 1 Chairman's beginning comments (pages 1–2): G. W. Pickering
Chapter 2 Neural and Humoral keep watch over of Blood Vessels (pages 3–30): Irvine H. Page
Chapter three a few New elements of Reflex Blood strain rules and high blood pressure (pages 31–45): C. Heymans
Chapter four Hypertensive affliction with out high blood pressure (pages 46–57): George A. Perera
Chapter five inner Secretion of the Arterial Wall in Blood strain legislation (pages 58–74): C. Jimenez?Diaz, P. de los angeles Barreda and A. F. de Molina
Chapter 6 medicinal drugs adverse to 5?Hydroxytryptamine (pages 75–77): J. H. Gaddum
Chapter 7 Quantitative Estimation of 5?Hydroxytryptamine in Gastro?Intestinal Mucosa, Spleen and Blood of Vertebrates (pages 78–90): V. Erspamer
Chapter eight Chemical Screening tools for the prognosis of Ph?ochromocytoma (pages 91–103): M. Goldenberg
Chapter nine patience of high blood pressure After removing of Ph?ochromocytoma, the place Excretion of Adrenaline and Noradrenaline is common (pages 104–121): W. S. Peart
Chapter 10 Experimental reports at the Pathogenesis and Nature of Hypertensive heart problems (pages 122–135): Arthur Grollman
Chapter eleven Experiments at the function of Vasoconstrictor components within the Mechanism of Renal high blood pressure in canines (pages 136–147): Paul Govaerts
Chapter 12 The Relation of the Sustained Pressor precept to Renin (pages 148–154): O. M. Helmer
Chapter thirteen The position of the Kidney within the Mechanism of Experimental high blood pressure (pages 155–171): M. A. Floyer
Chapter 14 The impact of Partial Renal Corticectomy at the Blood strain of standard and Hypertensive Animals (pages 172–183): Jens Bing and Palle Sonder
Chapter 15 using Ganglion blockading brokers relating to Neurogenic components in high blood pressure (pages 184–191): W. D. M. Paton
Chapter sixteen classes from Hexamethonium reports in Malignant high blood pressure (pages 192–199): J. McMichael
Chapter 17 Catechol Amine Excretion in Urine in circumstances of high blood pressure (pages 200–202): U. S. von Euler
Chapter 18 the connection among Sodium, Arterial high blood pressure and the Adrenal Glands (pages 203–218): J. Genest
Chapter 19 A examine of Adrenal Insufficiency After remedy of high blood pressure by means of Bilateral Sympathectomy Plus Unilateral Adrenalectomy (pages 219–237): P. Etienne?Martin
Chapter 20 Water and Electrolytes in Experimental high blood pressure (pages 238–249): E. Braun?Menendez
Chapter 21 The Distribution of Fluid and Electrolytes in Experimental high blood pressure (pages 250–271): J. M. Ledingham
Chapter 22 the significance of Sodium Chloride and its Ions within the creation and the therapy of high blood pressure (pages 272–285): P. Martini and ok. Kaiser
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Recovery from TEAC. 03 mg. (8) Noradrenaline. 2 . 5 ug. pithed. (9) Angiotonin. 03 mg. examination of the responses of a number of hypertensive patients to the drug; the responses vary widely from depressor to pressor; the more common responses resemble those usually seen in normal dogs, while some patients show the depressor responses which characterize increased neurogenic tone; it is hoped that further clinical correlation of these responses may uncover some of the mechanisms of human hypertension.
Hg. (11) About ten minutes after I. (34)Clamping and unclamping of common carotid arteries. No hypertensive reflex. ( 5 ) Section of both carotid sinus nerves. Marked hypertension from 80 t o 300 mm. Hg. adrenaline to the carotid sinus of man induces a fall of arterial pressure. This author also attributes the action of adrenaline to a stimulation of carotid sinus chemoceptors. , 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953) that drugs such as papaverine and benzylimidazoline, in doses which will relax smooth muscles, when applied locally to the wall of the arteries of the carotid sinus, 34 C.
And PAGE, I. H. (1952). Amer. J . , 170, 321. TAYLOR, R. , PAGE,I. , and CORCORAN,A. C. (1951). Arch. intern. , 88, 1. TWAROG, B. , and PAGE, I. H. (1953). Amer. J. , 175, 157. , CLARK,C. , and TITUS,E. (1953). Fed. , 12, 282. DISCUSSION PICKERING: I should like to start this discussion by asking a question about the reactivity, which was your first point. Have you in fact been able to satisfy yourself as to any alteration in reactivity in human hypertensives? PAGE: Yes. In the slide that I showed (Fig.