Download Curse of the Crimson Throne: A History of Ashes (Pathfinder by Michael Kortes, Wayne Reynolds PDF

By Michael Kortes, Wayne Reynolds
Pressured to escape town of Korvosa and pursued by way of sinister brokers of Queen Ileosa, the heroes shuttle to the Cinderlands to search out suggestion on find out how to defeat the traditional evil that has claimed their queen's brain. difficulty is, few residing this day be aware of the reality at the back of this evil - and those that do are one of the Shoanti barbarian tribes getting ready to invade Korvosa This installment of Pathfinder additionally positive factors an in-depth exploration of the Shoanti barbarian lifestyle, an exploration of the tough badlands often called the Cinderlands, and 6 new monsters local to those lands.
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Every minute a character remains inside the globe, he must make a DC 15 Will save to avoid taking 1d4 points of Intelligence damage. A character can exit the globe at any time by concentrating on Golarion or any part of the world (including creatures that live on the planet)—once a character is reduced to 0 Intelligence, he is shunted out of the globe automatically. When the globe was discovered by the Lyrune-Quah priestess Tanjah, she interpreted the visions granted by the globe as sendings from Desna.
The boneslayers accompanying the PCs mutter and whisper at this discovery. If asked about it, one of the Skoan-Quah says the head belonged to a Sklar-Quah, but was placed here by a “tshamek devil” the Shoanti call the Cinderlander. The brave goes on to explain that, for the past several years, this mysterious figure has stalked the Cinderlands. ” There are plenty of legends and tales about the Cinderlander, who he is, where he’s from, and why he hunts the Shoanti. The Skoan-Quah believe he is the unquiet ghost of a Korvosan general who stalks these lands and will continue to slay Shoanti until his victims equal those the Shoanti took from him.
They managed to pull down a havero from these distant unknown places and imprisoned it in the vast summoning chamber below, but the havero was too powerful for the Thrallkeepers to fully control. Its body trapped in the conjuration chamber, the havero sent its countless appendages up through the surrounding structure and, in a matter of minutes, had sought out and murdered every single Thrallkeeper within the acropolis. The Therassic Monks attempted several times to move in and claim the vacated structure, yet it soon became obvious that the havero would allow none to dwell in the acropolis—even those who sought nothing more than to release it from its prison.