Download Edmond Halley’s Reconstruction of the Lost Book of by Michael N. Fried PDF

By Michael N. Fried
Apollonius’s Conics was once one of many maximum works of complicated arithmetic in antiquity. The paintings comprised 8 books, of which 4 have come all the way down to us of their unique Greek and 3 in Arabic. by the point the Arabic translations have been produced, the 8th e-book had already been misplaced. In 1710, Edmond Halley, then Savilian Professor of Geometry at Oxford, produced an variation of the Greek textual content of the Conics of Books I-IV, a translation into Latin from the Arabic models of Books V-VII, and a reconstruction of booklet VIII.
The current paintings presents the 1st entire English translation of Halley’s reconstruction of booklet VIII with supplementary notes at the textual content. It additionally comprises 1) an advent discussing points of Apollonius’s Conics 2) an research of Edmond Halley's realizing of the character of his enterprise into historic arithmetic, and three) an appendices giving a quick account of Apollonius’s method of conic sections and his mathematical techniques.
This ebook should be of curiosity to scholars and researchers drawn to the background of historic Greek arithmetic and arithmetic within the early smooth period.
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Additional info for Edmond Halley’s Reconstruction of the Lost Book of Apollonius’s Conics: Translation and Commentary
Example text
For Eutheiai dunamei summetroi eisin. . (“Straight lines are commensurable in square. ”). Still, it shows the care he took to be as Greek as he could be. Chapter 5 Halley’s Dialogue with the Past Given Halley’s attentiveness to Apollonius’s text, his attentiveness to those “certain concrete vestiges,” as he puts it in his epistolary introduction, which hint at Apollonius’s thought regarding the book of determinate problems, given his apparent desire to enter Apollonius’s mind, Halley’s project, contrary to what was said above, begins to look purely historical after all.
Halley learned from the past in more than one way. One of these involved using the past as a source of data, as in Halley’s use of Hipparchus’s data68 as recorded in Ptolemy to determine the proper motion of stars 65 See above. See, for example, the note 153 problem 13 in the translation. 67 I might emphasize, however, that Halley’s consistency of approach is particularly striking given the fact that when he worked on the Cutting-off of a Ratio and the Cutting-off of an Area, he was still working closely with David Gregory.
One of these involved using the past as a source of data, as in Halley’s use of Hipparchus’s data68 as recorded in Ptolemy to determine the proper motion of stars 65 See above. See, for example, the note 153 problem 13 in the translation. 67 I might emphasize, however, that Halley’s consistency of approach is particularly striking given the fact that when he worked on the Cutting-off of a Ratio and the Cutting-off of an Area, he was still working closely with David Gregory. But David Gregory died in 1708.