Download Essays on Gödel’s Reception of Leibniz, Husserl, and Brouwer by Mark van Atten PDF

By Mark van Atten
This quantity tackles Gödel's two-stage venture of first utilizing Husserl's transcendental phenomenology to reconstruct and improve Leibniz' monadology, after which founding classical arithmetic at the metaphysics therefore received. the writer analyses the old and systematic facets of that undertaking, after which evaluates it, with an emphasis at the moment stage.
The publication is organised round Gödel's use of Leibniz, Husserl and Brouwer. faraway from contemplating previous philosophers beside the point to real systematic issues, Gödel embraced using historic authors to border his personal philosophical point of view. The philosophies of Leibniz and Husserl outline his undertaking, whereas Brouwer's intuitionism is its imperative foil: the shut affinities among phenomenology and intuitionism set the bar for Gödel's try to move some distance past intuitionism.
The 4 valuable essays are `Monads and sets', `On the philosophical improvement of Kurt Gödel', `Gödel and intuitionism', and `Construction and structure in mathematics'. the 1st analyses and criticises Gödel's try and justify, by way of an issue from analogy with the monadology, the mirrored image precept in set concept. It additionally presents extra aid for Gödel's concept that the monadology has to be reconstructed phenomenologically, by means of exhibiting that the unsupplemented monadology isn't really in a position to came upon arithmetic at once. the second one reports Gödel's studying of Husserl, its relation to Leibniz' monadology, and its effect on his released writings. The 3rd discusses how on quite a few events Brouwer's intuitionism truly encouraged Gödel's paintings, particularly the Dialectica Interpretation. The fourth addresses the query even if classical arithmetic admits of the phenomenological beginning that Gödel envisaged, and concludes that it does not.
The closing essays supply additional context. The essays accumulated right here have been written and released during the last decade. Notes were extra to list extra innovations, adjustments of brain, connections among the essays, and updates of references.
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1989). Review essay: Reflections on Kurt Gödel. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 50(2), 391–408. Yourgrau, P. (1999). Gödel meets Einstein. Chicago: Open Court. Yourgrau, P. (2005). A world without time: The forgotten legacy of Gödel and Einstein. New York: Basic Books. Part I Gödel and Leibniz Chapter 2 A Note on Leibniz’s Argument Against Infinite Wholes Mark van Atten Abstract Leibniz had a well-known argument against the existence of infinite wholes that is based on the part-whole axiom: the whole is greater than the part.
Copyright ©2011 Taylor & Francis. Reprinted by permission, which is gratefully acknowledged. , Benci et al. 2006) or ‘Euclid’s Axiom’. The former label is justified as it follows from what Aristotle says at Metaphysics 1021a4: ‘That which exceeds, in relation to that which is exceeded, is “so much” plus something more’ (Aristotle 1933, 263); the latter, to the extent that it figures as Common Notion 5 in Book I of Euclid’s Elements from (at the latest) Proclus on (Euclid 1956, 232). See also Leibniz’s ‘Demonstratio Axiomatum Euclidis’ (1679), Leibniz (1923–, 6,4:167).