Download Exemplarity and Chosenness: Rosenzweig and Derrida on the by Dana Hollander PDF

By Dana Hollander
Exemplarity and Chosenness is a mixed research of the philosophies of Jacques Derrida (1930-2004) and Franz Rosenzweig (1886-1929) that explores the query: How may possibly we account for the opportunity of philosophy, of universalism in pondering, with no denying that each one pondering is additionally idiomatic and specific? The e-book lines Derrida's curiosity during this subject, rather emphasizing his paintings on "philosophical nationality" and his perception that philosophy is challenged in a different method by way of its specific "national" instantiations and that, conversely, discourses invoking a nationality contain a philosophical ambition, a declare to being "exemplary." Taking as its cue Derrida's readings of German-Jewish authors and his ongoing curiosity in questions of Jewishness, this e-book pairs his philosophy with that of Franz Rosenzweig, who built a concept of Judaism for which election is vital and who understood chosenness in an "exemplarist" feel as constitutive of human individuality in addition to of the Jews' function in common human heritage.
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Despite the fact that “recent deci cades” had seen the emergence of “pseudonaturalistic” racial and völkisch theories that do detach a necessary essence or existence of the Volk from contingent facts about it, these theories do not, in Rosenzweig’s view, meet the Jewish need he has described. Instead they make available a notion of völkisch “essence” (Wesen), of a “persistent character of a Volk” (AT, 691 – 92/17) that becomes available for atheistic projection. What is then projected onto Jewish essence (here we can discern a caricatured version of Hermann Cohi hen’s philosophy of ethical monotheism)36 is the “autonomy of the moral law” (AT, 693/19).
Of the whole of mathematics. (LRE, 125) In The Concept of Religion this irony takes another turn. There Cohen argi gues against the Schleiermacherian tendency to view religion psychologi gistically as an expression of a “feeling of the infinite,” which Cohen strictly opposes to what is for him the key “religious feeling,” that of sympi pathy with another’s suffering. Schleiermacher’s “feeling of the infinite” is understood by Cohen to be a kind of totalization, in that it envisions man “giving himself up to” God, understood, pantheistically, as the universe.
Looking not only at what Rosenzweig acknowledges as his debt to Cohen, but also at those aspects of Cohen’s thought that he does not diri rectly acknowledge, but that nevertheless become effective in his thinking, will allow us to focus on how Rosenzweig framed and developed his thinkii ing of individuality and chosenness/election. * How does one assess the legacy of a philosophical school or movemi ment? This was a question Franz Rosenzweig liked to raise with respect to Hermann Cohen, a figure whom he greatly admired, and his “school,” Marburg Neo-Kantianism.