Download Expert Resumes for Teachers and Educators, 2nd Edition by Wendy S. Enelow PDF

By Wendy S. Enelow
A set of a hundred professionally written resumes and ideas for lecturers and educators--from preschool to school.
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An Individual Decision If you are over age 50, dating your early positions must be an individual decision. On the one hand, you do not want to “date” yourself out of consideration by including dates from the 1960s and early 1970s. On the other hand, it may be that those positions are worth including for any one of a number of reasons. Further, if you omit those early dates, you may feel as though you are misrepresenting yourself (or lying) to a prospective employer. Here is a strategy to overcome these concerns while still including your early experience: Create a separate category titled “Previous Professional Experience” in which you summarize your earliest employment, without dates.
When preparing a printed resume, you want to create a sharp, professional, and visually attractive presentation. Remember, that piece of paper conveys the very first impression of you to a potential employer, and that first impression goes a long, long way. Never be fooled into thinking that just because you have the best qualifications in your industry, the visual presentation of your resume does not matter. It does, a great deal. THE SCANNABLE RESUME The scannable resume can be referred to as the “plain-Jane” or “plain-vanilla” resume.
25 Part I: Resume Writing, Strategy, and Formats Functional Format Emphasizes the functional areas of responsibility within the job and associated achievements. EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCE Assistant Principal WILLIAMS HIGH SCHOOL, Beaver Creek, Oregon 1999 to Present Member of 6-person educational administration and management team of this 800-student public high school in Southeastern rural Oregon. Scope of strategic planning, leadership, and decision-making responsibilities is extensive, with particular emphasis on Curriculum/Instruction: Supervise instructional planning, goals, and objectives; develop new course offerings in science, mathematics, English, foreign languages, and the creative arts.