Download FEI Survey on Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404 Implementation: May by Financial Executives Research Foundation PDF

By Financial Executives Research Foundation
The aim of this learn is to assist monetary executives benchmark their charges of compliance with part 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. This learn analyzes the result of a survey of two hundred FEI individuals during which they have been requested for his or her personal expenditures incurred in the course of 2006 for compliance with part 404. listed below are many of the highlights: overall common yr 3 bills of compliance with part 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 for respondents to the once a year FEI part 404 Implementation Survey have been $2.9 million, which used to be 23.2% below the corresponding 12 months expenses of $3.8 million. so much businesses have came across efficiencies in complying with part 404, as indicated through decreases in either inner and exterior bills of compliance, with the exception of charges charged by means of their basic auditor, yet audit attestation charges have been reliable on typical. On usual, sped up filer respondents with centralized operations incurred considerably much less overall charges of compliance in 2006 than did these respondents with decentralized operations
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