Download From Psychology to Phenomenology: Franz Brentano’s by Biagio G. Tassone (auth.) PDF
By Biagio G. Tassone (auth.)
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Receiving his initial education from his mother at the family residence in Aschaffenburg (the Haus Brentano in northwest Bavaria), Franz Brentano’s early upbringing in what was evidently a lively and socially engaging environment may have contributed to developing some of his later intellectual qualities. Amongst these can be noted his dedication to study and learning, and his interest in language and music as well as his contemplative or religious bent. Brentano’s uncle Clemens was a regular visitor to the Aschaffenburg residence from Frankfurt.
Protestant scholars, such as Eduard Zeller, had challenged the coherence of Aristotle’s psychological and metaphysical writings. 9 In this way Brentano showed himself influenced by the Catholic Aristotelian revival that had been spearheaded by his teachers, including Clemens. Brentano’s dedication to “Catholic Science” was complemented by his programmatic statements expressed in his Latin habilitation theses that philosophy and science should be continuous (cf. Schaefer, 2007). After the completion of his second Habilitationsschrift, therefore, Brentano increased his lecturing duties at the Bayerische-Julius-Maximilians-Universität-Würzburg by focusing on developing this program to scientifically establish metaphysics in the Aristotelian sense.
12 Hoffmann was active in teaching courses on German idealism at Würzburg from before Brentano’s arrival and his courses kept alive the spirit of Schelling’s idealism. Hoffmann’s goal, both in his teaching and research, seems to have been to utilize the idealistic system of Schelling (who had earlier himself taught at Würzburg) and develop an alternative philosophical basis for Catholic theology. Brentano’s talk on Schelling’s philosophy was, needless to say, critical. Brentano attacked both the vague use of “intellectual intuition” as well as the non-scientific nature of Schelling’s idealism.