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By J.M.; Shilov, G.E. Gel'Fand
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19. Grande CM, Ramanathan S, Turndorf H: The structural correlates of airway function. Probl Anesth 1988; 2:175. 20. Green GM: Lung defense mechanisms. Symposium on chronic respiratory disease. Med Clin North Am 1973; 57:547. 21. Grover VK, Mahajan R, Tomar M: Class zero airway and laryngoscopy. Anesth Analg 2003; 96:911. 22. Hanafee WN, Ward PH: Anatomy and physiology. In: Hanafee WN, Ward PH, ed. The Larynx: Radiology, Surgery, Pathology, New York: Thieme Medical; 1990:3. 23. Haponik EF, Smith PL, Bohlman ME, et al: Computerized tomography in obstructive sleep apnea: Correlation of airway size with physiology during sleep and wakefulness.
1-10 and 1-11 [10] [11]). It is 10 to 20 cm long and 12 mm in diameter. It is flattened posteriorly and contains 16 to 20 horseshoe-shaped cartilaginous rings. At the sixth ring, the trachea becomes intrathoracic. The first and last rings are broader than the rest. The lower borders of the last ring split and curve interiorly between the two bronchi to form the carina at the T5 level (angle of Louis, second intercostal space). The posterior part of the trachea, void of cartilage, consists of a membrane of smooth muscle and fibroelastic tissue joining the ends of the cartilages.
41 42 Hagberg: Benumof's Airway Management, 2nd ed. Figure 1-19 Cross-sectional view of trachea and bronchus. Note different sites of attachment of posterior membrane in the tracheal and bronchial sections. Also note invagination of posterior membrane into the lumen in the collapsed state. (From Horsfield K: The relation between structure and function of the airways of the lung. ) Figure 1-20 Cross-sectional views of medium bronchi (4 to 8 mm diameter) with peribronchial space. (From Horsfield K: The relation between structure and function of the airways of the lung.