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By Stephen E. Parrish

God and Necessity: A safeguard of Classical Theism argues that the God of classical theism exists and will now not fail to exist. The publication starts with the definition of keywords and research of the techniques of God and necessity. prolonged examinations of the ontological, cosmological, and teleological arguments are given. The final chapters provide a longer exposition and security of the transcendental argument for God's lifestyles. it's proven that rival money owed of the lifestyles of universe, the Brute truth and the mandatory Universe theories thoroughly fail, whereas worthy Deity, the concept that of God present in all attainable worlds, succeeds. in simple terms the latter can account for fact because it is, and will account for wisdom and justification.

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In the second concept, reason (B), being caused, is included in the first 23 God and Factual Necessity 24 concept, having a reason, but is not identical with it. Causation involves the actualization of some potentiality. It means that some object is made to exist in some manner, which otherwise would not exist, by other being or beings. Having a reason for something is broader; it is a condition for something to be in a particular manner. Not being evenly divisible by any numbers other than one or itself is a reason for a number being prime.

Factual' could mean (a) exists in the actual world or, (b) exists in some possible worlds. For the purposes of this book I will be utilizing definition (b), exists in some possible worlds. A factually necessary being is one that can exist in some possible worlds, but not necessarily the actual one. Of course proponents of the factually necessary being believe in and argue for a factually necessary being in the actual world. One could be a determined atheist and still allow that there are possible worlds where the factually necessary being does exist.

It seems easy to imagine the existence of some God-like being with immense, though limited, power and knowledge existing in some world. One could imagine another world, much like 12 13 I 30 God and Factual Necessity the first, but in this world the being would have even more knowledge and power. Thinking of this God-like person, one can easily imagine him without fear of internal contradiction as having greater degrees of knowledge and power. One would never have to imagine that in order for him to have more knowledge and power, he would have to be a numerically different person.

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