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By Andrzej Rychard
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This process is a circular movement, for it is in the nation’s original becoming on the basis of the state that the nation’s claim to possess its own state and to be constituted in it is rightfully born. The state is, so to speak, the cause and the result at the same time- it is both the point of departure and the final goal of the whole historical process. Only the state warrants the nation’s will becoming self-conscious, its gaining knowledge about powers so far dosing in his historical Dasein.
So far, the university remains in its old stagnant form: the scientific community is dispersed; specialization rules; anarchy and irresponsibility is loose under the name of “academic freedom”. ” (SCHN, 73) Secondly, one has to be aware of the approaching dangers. According to Heidegger, the “new concept of science” (der neue Wissenschaftsbegriff) is in the utmost peril for it is commonly interpreted at the German universities in an old-fashioned, anachronistic – anthropological and humanistic – way.
He wrote in a letter to Heinrich Auer, the director of the Deutscher Caritasverband, who had been elected Honorary Senator of Freiburg University: “Do not neglect this; this is something really great. ” From the very beginning of his academic life, Heidegger was deeply interested in the idea of the university, its structure, principles and rules of its functioning. One of his first lectures in Freiburg is devoted to “The Essence of University and Academic Studies” (Spring Term 1919). Unfortunately, all we know about this lecture is from Oskar Becker’s notes, according to which the chief purpose of academic studies is to form and realize a “theoretical attitude”.