Download Husserl’s Legacy in Phenomenological Philosophies: New by Angela Ales Bello (auth.), Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (eds.) PDF

By Angela Ales Bello (auth.), Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (eds.)
Read or Download Husserl’s Legacy in Phenomenological Philosophies: New Approaches to Reason, Language, Hermeneutics, the Human Condition. Book 3: Phenomenology in the World Fifty Years after the Death of Edmund Husserl PDF
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1991 Kluwer Academic Publishers. 24 DOMENICO JERVOLINO phenomenology's stance is that of a radical self-grounding in the intellectual clarity of self-immanence. Self-immanence is indubitable, and the Cogito is the only field of phenomenological truth. In the phenomenological reduction, applied to the mundane attitude, a new realm of meaning is won. "5 However, according to Ricoeur, a radical grounding of the subject in its transparence remains nothing more than a lovely dream, a generous Utopia, in the concrete working out of phenomenology.
Thus, though phenomenology in its essential project does not seem a philosophy of radical finitude, it is better prepared than other "speculative adventures" to aim at the limit of infinity-directed philosophy and thus to appeal to a philosophy of finitude. This unobvious side, then, of the Husserlian legacy, unobvious yet already at first glance so complexly overdetermined, is what I wish to articulate here. I shall do it in the form of a "re-consideration" of what, twenty years ago was called - and this declaration, together with the discourse it pertains to, remains an unerasable moment in the history of phenomenology - the tension between the "two major motifs" of this philosophy: "the purity of formalism and the radicality of intuitionism" (J.
P. 9. , p. 13. , p. 15. , p. , pp. 20-21. , p. 25. , MS trans. A VII 13, Vorgegebenheit - Wissenschaft (1921,1928,1930). , MS. trans. A VII 12, op. , p. 28. , p. 30. , p. 31. , p. 33. , MS trans. D 2, Transzendentale Aesthetik - Wahrnehmungs-analyse, 1933. , MS ohne Titel, Mar 1932. 24 Ibid. p. 22. 25 G. Piana,"L'immaginazione sacra. Saggio su Ernst Classiver" in La notte dei lampi, Quattro saggi sulla filosofia dell'immaginazione (Milan: Guerine e Associati, 1988). 26 D. Conci, "Introduzione" V.