Download Introduction to the mathematics of subdivision surfaces by Lars-Erik Andersson PDF
By Lars-Erik Andersson
This can be an advent to the mathematical conception which underlies subdivision surfaces, because it is utilized in special effects and animation. Subdivision surfaces let a clothier to specify the approximate kind of a floor that defines an item after which to refine it to get a extra worthwhile or appealing model. a large amount of mathematical conception is required to appreciate the features of the resultingRead more...
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4 We do not often use the hypothesis of local planarity explicitly, but we assume throughout that meshes are locally planar. This is true in particular for the definition of the dual mesh, which is given now. The concept of the dual of a locally planar mesh M is central to the understanding of subdivision methods. We give the definition5 first for a locally planar mesh without boundary and then extend the definition to the case of a locally planar mesh with boundary. Let M be a locally planar mesh without boundary.
Introduction A logical mesh M is defined by its vertices ∈ ZL = {0, . . , L − 1}, its edges { , }, , ∈ ZL , its faces, and the topological relationships among all these. , a matrix whose rows contain the control points p (elements of RN ) associated with the logical vertices of M . 6/9 . When the word “mesh” is used alone, it will be clear from the context whether “logical” or “polyhedral” is intended. Before giving the formal definitions, we note that it is convenient to use the single index , running over the finite set ZL , to denote a vertex, when discussing the structure of a logical mesh.
Introduction The methods of Catmull–Clark, Doo–Sabin, and Loop The Catmull–Clark [24] and Doo–Sabin [45] methods were among the first surfacesubdivision methods introduced, and the Catmull–Clark, along with the Loop [91] method, has become a graphics industry standard. The Doo–Sabin and Catmull– Clark methods provide an example of one approach to generating15 subdivision algorithms. 2/2 ) in R2 , namely, the Lane–Riesenfeld algorithm. We then observe that the steps of the algorithm depend only on control points available locally.