Download John Stuart Mill and the Ethic of Human Growth by Don A. Habibi (auth.) PDF

By Don A. Habibi (auth.)
In this well-researched, entire examine of J.S. Mill, Professor Habibi argues that the continual, dominant subject matter of Mill's lifestyles and paintings used to be his passionate trust in human development and growth. numerous Mill students realize this; although, a variety of writers disregard his 'growth ethic', and this has resulted in misunderstandings approximately his price procedure. This research defines and establishes the significance of Mill's development ethic and clears up misinterpretations surrounding his notions of upper and decrease pleasures, optimistic and adverse freedom, the prestige of youngsters, the legitimacy of authority, and aid for British colonialism. Drawing from the total corpus of Mill's writings, in addition to the vast secondary literature, Habibi has written the main targeted, sustained research of Mill's grand, best principle.
This booklet should be valuable to varsity scholars in philosophy and highbrow background in addition to experts in those fields.
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Example text
Mill's "Remarks on Bentham's Philosophy," (written anonymously for Edward Lytton Bulwer's England and the English [London: Bentley, 1833], v. , pp. 321-44 [Collected Works X, pp. 3-18]) and "Bentham," London and Westminster Review, August, 1838, pp. 467506, reprinted in Dissertations and Discussions, v. I (Collected Works X, pp. 77-115). 43. See Kinzer, Robson, and Robson, A Moralist In and Out of Parliament: John Stuart Mill at Westminster 1865-1868 (op. , endnote 11). 44. Here, I use 'pragmatic' to mean realistic and practical, and to suggest that MiII's philosophical efforts were not limited to an abstract, theoretical, intellectual domain.
For the interested re ader, a detailed account of their relationship (as well as Mill's relationships with other women, such as his mother and step-daughter Helen Taylor) is found in Josephine Kamm, John Stuart Mill in Love (London: Gordon & Cremonesi, 1977). For an analysis of John and Harriet's correspondences, see F. A. Hayek, John Stuart Mill and Harriet Taylor: Their Correspondence and Subsequent Marriage (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1951). 39. Autobiography, p. 132 (Collected Works 1, p.
Hamer, John Morley: Liberal Intellectual in Politics (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1968), p. 40; and J. A. Hobson, "John Stuart MiII," The Speaker, May 26, 1908, p. 177. 42. See Autobiography, p. 161 (see also p. 139) [Collected Works 1, p. 237 {see also p. 207}]. Cf. Mill's "Remarks on Bentham's Philosophy," (written anonymously for Edward Lytton Bulwer's England and the English [London: Bentley, 1833], v. , pp. 321-44 [Collected Works X, pp. 3-18]) and "Bentham," London and Westminster Review, August, 1838, pp.