Download Keeping the Faith: Collingwood-- The Pleasure, the Pain and by Steve Strevens PDF

By Steve Strevens
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It wasn’t long before he arrived, resplendent in all black. The back of his sleeveless shirt bore his name and a bandana was tied just above his small ponytail. Sly was born in Australia of Greek-Macedonian parents. He told me he’d been following Collingwood for as long as he could remember, about thirty-three years, which was his age. His older brothers all barracked for Collingwood so he followed suit. It was probably a wise choice. To barrack for anyone else in that household could have created problems for the youngest of four.
Besides, the lesser players all felt as though they belonged to a club. Nowadays they are lost somewhere in the middle. That’s what I thought anyway; a real day at the footy should have curtain-raisers. Yeah, I knew about the money and all that. And I knew the people who dine in the boxes and tip in the most dollars don’t care about anything but the main game. Yet the people in the outer care. And there are more of us. On the way to purchase a pie and a bottle of water, which judging by its price must have come from the fountain of youth, I stood aside for a young man in a 37 *Keeping the Faith pgs 26/4/05 12:51 PM Page 38 KEEPING THE FAITH wheelchair who was being pushed into a special spot near the walkway.
There were more Tigers fans in attendance than before the game—they thought the season would bring them joy and were not worried that their celebrations could be a touch premature. Analysis of the game was in some cases close to the truth but in others more a venting of the spleen. But that’s what makes you feel better while you’re still feeling terrible. Later, I walked from the pub across the deserted MCG car park, past the darkened, shadowy gum trees to the silence of the Fitzroy Gardens where I sat alone under the stars as possums scurried along the path to the sanctity of their trees.