Download Kindness and the Good Society: Connections of the Heart by William S. Hamrick PDF

By William S. Hamrick
A accomplished account of human kindness.
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Example text
But at whatever level of commitment, the other takes a more or less momentary and momentous interest in my welfare, and this is why I respond to the action differently than in the case of many others that I witness day in and day out. I am aware that my needs have registered in the eyes of the other, and I resonate the offered help with thanks for her solicitude. Equally importantly, if not more so, I am cognizant of the fact that the interest that the other takes in my welfare is for my sake, and not hers.
19 Thus there are “many ways for a body to be a body, many ways for a consciousness to be a consciousness” (Merleau-Ponty 1962, 124; emphasis in original). 20 These three sorts of contexts all provide reasons why we can mis-take a given action for one of kindness, either because of our perceptual failings or because of a successful intent to deceive. The perceptual setting of gestures and speech means that, among other things, kind acts and omissions are situated against a background of indeterminacy and have to be disclosed against these horizons that get filled in through further experiences.
However much victims of injury and illness may wish, and however much of a wedge that pain and sickness drive be- Acts and Omissions 7 tween the body and the self, there is no final cleavage between the two. Thus the patient in the coronary care unit who sees all vital signs recorded and sounded on multiple pieces of monitoring equipment knows that there is some deep connection after all between the self and the mysterious alien presence that the inner body has become. It is in this field of corporeality—mine and that of others—whether well or sick, fully able or injured, fully capacitated or pained, that acts of kindness and kind omissions to act appear to us.