Download Logos and Life: The Three Movements of the Soul: The by Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka PDF

By Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka

PART I THE CRITIQUE OF cause endured: FROM emblems TO ANTI-LOGOS 1. the hot CRITIQUE OF cause a brand new critique of cause is the an important activity imposed at the philosophy of our occasions as we emerge progressively more from so-called "modernism" right into a historic section as a way to need to take its personal paths and locate its personal choice. it can be thought of that the most developmental line of recent occasions in its philosophy in addition to in its tradition at huge was once traced by means of the Cartesian cogito. The unfolding of Occidental philos­ ophy has culminated in cause or intellect's being provided the important position. this can be its particular trait. we will see an immediate line of development from the cogito to Kant's Critique. it truly is no ask yourself that this paintings is the landmark of contemporary philosophy. Kant's Critique used to be fascinated about the root of the sciences. Edmund-Husserllaunched a moment significant, renewed, critique of cause, one that addresses not just the serious scenario of the sciences yet extends the critique even to the location of Occidental tradition as its malaise is clinically determined via this nice philosopher. Edmund Husserl voiced, in truth, the conviction that Occidental humanity has reached in our age the height of its unfolding. His determine­ ing this height with the formula of phenomenological philosophy moves on the element within which the numerous and novel advancements of Occidental tradition and philosophy (phenomenology, that's) coincide.

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In fact, just as the creative orchestration in serving life sets all the forces of the person at work to promulgate the ever-expanding new avenues of the logos as it modulates infinitely its "rationale," even so the soul taking its own course reverses direction and on its own and from its very own impulse (spontaneity) slowly and penetratingly dismantles rational networks of the creative endeavor, slowly devaluating rationality as such. This course moves toward the anti-logos - that other abysmal extreme of the soul.

It is a quest for the innermost destiny of the human being who has already reached the culminating state of his creative accomplishment as a human being, who has already fully actualized his Human Condition. THE PHENOMENOLOGY OF THE SOUL 7 The soul's quest is a pursuit of destiny as seemingly a new type of self-interpretation-in-existence. " Furthermore, after we have emphasized enough the essential role of the Moral Sense in the creative constitution of the human person who pursues the quest, that is, the congenital role of the bond with the Other in the genesis of the human person, the intial question here is: do we pursue the quest for our destiny within our inner being all alone, or, on the contrary, is a communicative linking of our own concern with that of another human being indispensable for the advance of this quest?

It is the basic genesis of life in its meaningful phases or, to put it another way, the expansive diversification of the Logos of Life that is its leitmotif Within this perspective all the previously mentioned approaches can be seen as fragmentary and biased, important, yes, but in need of reappreciation with respect to a picture taken at the heart of the situation. Indeed, we cannot do justice to this most mysterious phenomenon of the personal life of man and culture without situating it within the crucial struggle for life that the living being carries on while delineating his life-course.

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