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By Erica Nathan

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This divide, which once marked a physical parting of waters, was now invested with social difference. Importantly, it was the process of expropriation more than the reservoir itself that stamped new value into the catchment boundary. Before leaving this narrative of initial water transfer that so influenced future water ‘settlement’, we need to briefly incorporate Lal Lal water downstream of Beales. Lal Lal Water below Beales Once Beales Reservoir was in place, Ballarat’s proprietary interest in district water became anchored in a changed waterscape.

Only those clearly in the path of the water were compensated in the early 1860s with the help of the Committee’s initial government grant. 10 However, it was not until 1869 that the Committee was in the financial position to push the compensation process through with any conviction. This, of course, was not an admission that was broadcast. The Committee, unable to access loans, was hamstrung along with the residents, whose improvements made beyond the temporary gazettal date were not to be recognised.

The Committee, unable to access loans, was hamstrung along with the residents, whose improvements made beyond the temporary gazettal date were not to be recognised. And the longer the Committee prevaricated, the less opportunity there was for alternative settlement. Forest occupants attempted to rent reserve land that was previously ‘theirs’, especially acreage under cultivation, or have the reserve fence altered so it was more accommodating of former occupancy and water access, or continue lobbying for compensation to cover improvements.

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