Download Lyotard and Greek Thought: Sophistry by Keith Crome (auth.) PDF

By Keith Crome (auth.)
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Ostensibly Socrates appeals to his jurors as witnesses in default of any direct accusers for the initial, more deeply entrenched, more dangerous prejudices that lie behind the charges explicitly brought against him in his trial. This manner of proceeding is, however, a first indication of the way in which the very nature of truth is posed 32 The Place of Sophistry in Philosophy by Socrates and Plato. Through the identification of the role of witness and juror, the trial is transformed in its nature.
In the Clouds, Socrates is presented as swinging aloft in a basket, and from this heavenly height condescends to address Strepsiades – the old man who wishes to be initiated into Socrates’ ‘thinkery’ (phrontisterion) – as a divinity would address a mortal, exclaiming ‘short-lived one, creature of a day! Why do you call me? [time kaleis, ophemere]’ (Clouds, 223). The subsequent interchange between Strepsiades and Socrates further emphasises the latter’s sophistical hubris and impiety. Asked by Strepsiades what he is doing aloft, Socrates says, ‘I walk on air [aerobato] and think about [periphrono] the sun’ (Clouds, 225).
Anytus declares his hope that no relative or friend, Athenian or foreign, ‘would be so mad as to let himself be diseased by these people [the sophists]’ (Meno, 91c). ‘They are’, he continues, ‘the manifest ruin and corruption of anyone who comes into contact with them [ . . ] The young men who pay them money [are demented] and still more so are the relations who let the young men have their way; and most of all are the cities that allow them to enter and do not expel them’ (Meno, 91c–92b). Anytus subsequently admits to Socrates that such a judgement is not based on experience, for he has had no contact with the sophists himself.